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Sep 28, 2016
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Hey everyone. I've been a long time lurker of this forum, ever since I discovered the Tama P from a friend's picture on Facebook, but have finally signed up to join in some discussions. So I don't own any classics (though my bf's parents dropped off some of his old toys and I think I saw one in the box) but have been collecting the color Japanese versions. I got my M!x today and tried my hand at crocheting some cases/covers for my babies thanks to YouTube tutorials and a slight basic understanding of crochet. https://imgur.com/2gt2akB - I only know how to link to images currently, turns out I can't seem to figure out how to resize so it doesn't eat everyone's screen when looking at the post... u.u;

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Hey Juniper! :) Welcome to the show.

As for the pictures you can open the picture in paint and resize and crop it. Then re-name your re-sized image and upload it to an image hosting site. Get the direct link for it and paste it into the icon here that looks like a tree. If you hover over it with your mouse it should say "image" post the direct link to the image in here and it should appear in your post.

Let me know if those steps helps you work it out. :)

You don't have the classics...just take one look at the Angel Gotch and see if you can resist it's cuteness! Especially the pearly pink or silver....hee hee hee! :p

Welcome to TamaTalk Juniper!
If you're looking for recommendations on classic Tamas, I'd definitely have to say the V4/4.5/Entama is really fun! I might be biased because it's one of my favourites, but it certainly is a favourite for a reason!

Also your crochet cover looks pretty cool! I do quite like the colours you chose ;)

I've been considering making one for my +Colour so it won't get anymore scratched, but it's also too pretty to cover up! Maybe if the front of it was more visually interesting, haha :p

Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay here!

Hello! Thank you for the welcomes. :D When I get back on my computer I'll share some pictures of cases I made. @molldoll, I considered the classic tamas a while ago, and while they're amusing they're just not my thing anymore. I had one growing up and did play the angel one on the phone. I feel that the color ones have spoiled me. ._.

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