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user 214674

Nov 7, 2018
Reaction score
Hi there, my name is Quinn (I also go by Leslie as well so either name is fine with me) and I'm 21 years old. I've always wanted a tamagotchi when I was a kid, but never got one so I lost interested in it as I got older. But I recently received my first tamagotchi in a grab bag from an anime convention, and it sparked my interest in it again. I hope to learn more about tamagotchi as my knowledge of it is dated and to also start a collection. Some other things about me, I'm really into video games and I dabble a little in drawing. I look forward to talking to all of you and hope to make some friends on this site!

Thank you for reading!

Welcome! The members here are generally very knowledgeable on Tamagotchis, so you'll be able to learn a great deal from them and improve your rusty knowledge. It's also a very nice and chill community (indeed, significantly moreso than others I've been in), so I hope you have a great time!

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