HELP! Emergency! My tama died


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Well you can't get back the tama you had before, you will have to start over by hold button A and C, you will start at gen1 and have to but all new items. :mellow: ^_^ ^_^

so sorry about that happening.


to keep your future tama from dying, u can put it on pause when u r gonna b gone for a while :ph34r:

Im so sorry... my deepest sympathies..... poor you....... dont worry 2 much mine ALMOST died when I left it alone 4 1 day and 1 night..... luckily the lady put it on pause.... But dont take it to seriously at least yours still works i dropped my old 1 in the ocean and it blew up....



I'm afraid the best thing to do at this point is hold A + C and start a new egg, because you can't get your tam back.
You can get back. All you have to do is press reset is the back of you toy and then press B,then click download and you got it back unless you leave for ages again.

The only way you might get your tama back is if you treat it the very same way as you did to your first.Remember I did not say this worked.and it pobaly won't!!!!!!!!!

download does NOT work. im sorry, but you are going to get a new a a, hold down and press c but this has happened to me on my v3. your charcter will appear in history!! just go to the book, go to family, click history, and your character is their!!!

so sorry about your tama tho ;) ;)

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