Help for my sister


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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2005
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Hey peoples, my sister called me and wants to know this:

Her Tama is a child, and for ten minutes she left it to get something to eat, and ALL the hearts dissapeared! She's worried when she goes to play her soccer game for an hour, it will die.

How long will it take neglecting them to die? After an hour will it be dead? Help her please :angry:

Well I don't think her tama would die, but it is a good idea to change the time and put it to sleep so you don't have to worry about it. That's what I do when my soccer practice and games come up! :angry:

I'm not exactly sure but if all the heart is

going blank in 10minutes then I assume that

you're referring to the baby stage?? (if it's

a small tiny blob tama then it's a baby)

cos if it's a child I don't think the hearts dropped

so quick in such short time...

the baby tama lives for 60minutes before

it turns into a child

and the hearts for both "hungry" and "happy"

drops rather quick so if you have to go

and do something maybe you should pause it

otherwise you have to keep looking after it

so if you leave the baby tama for quite long

it'll probably will pass away (but I'm not sure...)

Once the tama grows up if you leave

it for 12hours without taking care

it will die

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