Help for people who want a TamaGo


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Did you read the whole review? I'm guessing not. ' :) In fact, the only thing I compared on with the MS is the size. The size of it makes it look like a dinosaur egg, and kuromametchifan123 CLEARLY stated that there's extra space for it to make it half the size. Thanks, Bandai, you made it a keep-home virtual pet. Completely different? Pfft. If Bandai was going to make a completely different item from the V1-MS, then please answer these questions. Why did Bandai create both the Tamagotchi and Tama-Go, rather than someone else make a third-party fake Tamagotchi (JD), seeing how you are comparing it to the Kindle Fire and iPad? Why are the figurine games similar, if not, same to the V4's mini/job games? If this is gonna become an argument, this topic should be locked.

I don't want to sound rude, it's just that this argument of V7 fans and V7 haters is getting boring.
Things only become arguments when people make them that way. This isn't an argument, and, I don't hardly think I can call this a debate. However, I know someone else would probably read this with gratitude: It'd give them both sides of the story before they just decided to make a decision.

But, before I can answer anything, perhaps I should re-explain my analogy. The Kindle Fire is not a rip-off of the iPad. I don't think I can answer your question clearly with that being the assumption that's being made here. The KF is an e-reader while the iPad is a tablet. One is designed for reading and the other is designed for that and so much more.

And, yes, they are clearly different. The only thing that's the same is the slight similarity in appearance, layout and a few activities. (Keep in mind, though, on other virtual pets you can mate, feed, potty train, etc. These characteristics are not just specific to the Tama). However, the only versions it could even be compared to in functions are the v5-v6, and, even that is a stretch.

(As for the size: Would it have been better if they would have just filled the space with something rather than left it empty? They can't diminish the size: They'd have to change all of the figurines and the whole workings of them.)

I just want to stress this for anyone reading: You CANNOT go into this thinking of any other Tama - I notice you're still bring up other versions, and, I say this to be straightforward and honest - this is not going to be like any other version. It's on it's own; it stands alone (quite literally, really). Go into this thinking of it as another virtual pet, not just another Tama in the line-up. If you do that, it will be a huge disappointment.

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Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

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(Saying "no offence" before posting an offensive reply is not acceptable) ;)

Obviously there are plenty of members who love the Tama-Go and plenty who have been disappointed with it. That's life. By all means discuss it but please... there's no need for any flaming, shaming or fighting :)

I don't even know why I don't like the Tama-Go. I'd pause it at school, no prob. It's just that, just as I'm about to start my Tama-Go, I walk up to my collection and see a tempting white V4 next to my purple Tama-Go...and I think, why am I being so useless, and just run the V4 instead. Then I think, this stupid V4's too slow, and go back to the Tama-Go only to find my old 5th Generation iD L's sparkly shell catching the sunlight and it all starts again.

:furawatchi: ~ Dazzmina ~ :chohimetchi:

Things only become arguments when people make them that way. This isn't an argument, and, I don't hardly think I can call this a debate. However, I know someone else would probably read this with gratitude: It'd give them both sides of the story before they just decided to make a decision.

But, before I can answer anything, perhaps I should re-explain my analogy. The Kindle Fire is not a rip-off of the iPad. I don't think I can answer your question clearly with that being the assumption that's being made here. The KF is an e-reader while the iPad is a tablet. One is designed for reading and the other is designed for that and so much more.

And, yes, they are clearly different. The only thing that's the same is the slight similarity in appearance, layout and a few activities. (Keep in mind, though, on other virtual pets you can mate, feed, potty train, etc. These characteristics are not just specific to the Tama). However, the only versions it could even be compared to in functions are the v5-v6, and, even that is a stretch.

(As for the size: Would it have been better if they would have just filled the space with something rather than left it empty? They can't diminish the size: They'd have to change all of the figurines and the whole workings of them.)

I just want to stress this for anyone reading: You CANNOT go into this thinking of any other Tama - I notice you're still bring up other versions, and, I say this to be straightforward and honest - this is not going to be like any other version. It's on it's own; it stands alone (quite literally, really). Go into this thinking of it as another virtual pet, not just another Tama in the line-up. If you do that, it will be a huge disappointment.
I don't think that the Tama-Go can really be looked at as another type of virtual pet and not a Tamagotchi. It has many of the same characters as the other versions of Tamagotchis, and it connects to the Music Star. Bandai probably wouldn't have designed it like this if it was meant to be a completely different pet.

I think it was meant to sort of be a different pet... I mean, they obviously didn't want it to be part of the Connection series. It really is a different Tama than them. Figures, four-scale-pixels... the size, too... But, still, a lot of people have said this but it's true: Bandai's just trying to do what we want. They won't know what we like/don't unless they have some trial and error.

I seriously think that BanDai would do best by continuing the ever-popular connections series in colour. I mean, take the V4. If you add a few more characters, spruce up the games a bit, make some cool designs and give it a colour screen, then you can't go wrong! People want something modern they would be proud to walk around with, not something that looks childish, and something flashy. Look at the most popular new gadgets - the iPhone, for instance. What to Tamas have in common with that? Exactly - nothing, except the size. And the Tama-Go, no offence, is exactly what the majority of teens DON'T want. It doesn't look "cool", it looks childish, and the colours and designs are anything but flashy.

But maybe we're approaching this from the wrong angle. BanDai must have a fair sense of what teens are into these days, and if they give out the opposite, that means they're not actually aiming at older kids and teens at all. I think the Tama-Go is aimed at kids aged 4-8, and I must say it's hit. It's PERFECT for younger kids! Big buttons for small, chubby fingers. A large model overall so kids don't lose it. Quite durable so if some toddler throws it all the wall it won't break. Figures that look like cartoon characters. BanDai has really done a good job with the Tama-Go - for kids aged 4-8!

Of course, some of us like it too, but the main age range who like it are young children. But how many young children are there on TamaTalk? I'm ten, and I'm probably one on the youngest here, and I don't think I count as a young child, so not very many. BanDai isn't trying to sell to us anymore. So what do we do? Make the best of what they give us!

:furawatchi: ~ Dazzmina ~ :chohimetchi:

Honestly, I don't have one yet but I'll probably be getting one in the future. While there may be downsides to it, you also need to think in these terms:

For older Tamagotchis, you feed them certain foods to get certain characters. I do like the fact it's a mystery and you can experiment with different diets, but I like the idea how the expansion already has that for you. You don't need to wait forever to know what character you're going to get.

Also another important thing to note, in older versions when you buy things from the shop, not every item works with every character. With the Tama-go, having the items there that are compatible for your character makes the process a whole lot easier and you don't have to feel like you've wasted money once you've bought it.

Another thing you pointed out is the no name feature. This might seem disappointing, but think about it. It's just a few pixels on a screen. You can name your tamagotchi whatever you want even if it's off screen. Just because it's not a built in feature doesn't take away you being able to "name". Not to mention, you still have a username, like people have said above, where you can make it longer. A plus feature.

I really like how they've advanced it where you're able to walk to your destination & visit places such as the park ^__^ very cute.

Although I can see where you're coming from, you really should look at the upsides and what they've added to it as well. Even if that doesn't change you're mind, you're entitled to your own opinion. If you don't like it, no one is forcing you to get one.

I got a Tama-Go for Christmas last year, and I loved it so much I now have two! So what if you can't actually put names on it? You can still give it a name! I do that all the time, and it doesn't have to be limited to eight letters! I once had one called Annabelle, which is nine letters! I don't care if it's big, I just pause them when I go to school and play with them in the weekend/holidays. This is just my opinion, and I'm sixteen, so ages four to eight may be the age range it's aimed at, but I still like it.

Total points earned: -40,great job Tama-go.

I totally agree with you superchamagirl,the Tama-go was (in my opinion) terrible.What did Bandai give us?An over priced easter egg.I mean seriously,theres alot of empty space inside the Tama-go,it could have easily been half it's size.Minus 10 points.And the figures...$7 for something that might register as a lite figure,great.That's another -15 points.Way to go Bandai.Yes,It was fun when I fist got it but after 15 generations,it starts to get old.I don't know,I guess the Tama-go is lacking pizzaz or something.It's just not my favorite version.

New total: -65 points
If You Go on Ebay or Amazon They Always have a sell and you can get them for like 3.99

I definitely agree with Ashley Montanae on this one.

The Tama-go wasn't meant to be part of the Tamagotchi Connection series. Bandai wanted to take a different spin on things, and just because it's still a Tamagotchi, doesn't mean that all of the features have to be the same as every other version.

I've posted in here once before, but I just couldn't stand to sit here without voicing my opinion on this.

The title is "Help for people who want a Tama-Go", so if you do like the Tama-go, how are you not allowed to be here? We have our opinions on it too, and just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's terrible. There are many fans of the Tama-go, including me. Of course, it's size can sometimes be annoying and some other features too, but think of the good things about it. Yes, there are some good features like the Park, the faceplates, the games and figures(For some people) and the different concept was a cool and different approach on it.

And also, I think people were saying how someone compared a Tamagotchi to a Kindle Fire..? No, the person was comparing the iPad to a Kindle Fire, which are, indeed, two completely different things. And Bandai wasn't trying to make it like a completely different virtual pet. It's still a tamagotchi, just a different type with different features.

I think it's just stupid for someone to hate on a toy. If you don't like it, get over it. If you like it, talk about it to other fans. We can't love everything people make, so just move on and don't even buy it.

Just let other people enjoy it, I seriously don't care if you hate it or not, I'm still going to always love Tamagotchis. ;D

For people reading this and considering buying the Tama-Go, take it from me, it's an excellent Tama version! I bought myself a white one for Christmas, and I love it. XD I'm still caring for my first generation, I almost don't want to send him to get married. ;_; LOL. Prior to this version I was using a sky blue V3, and don't get me wrong, I LOVE it. :3 But I got bored with it after using it for about a month, and since I'm usually with friends or in class I only really enjoy running one Tama at a time. I think my poor V3 may be shelved for awhile.

PS: if you're artistic or have a friend who is super artsy, get them to draw you an awesome faceplate for your Tama-Go, then get an adult to cut it out for you (I used an xacto knife, but kiddies please get an adult! I cut off a finger doing this. ;_; Not really but I'm trying to scare you. XD Seriously, ask your mom or dad or something.).

And don't let the size fool you, a million times I've read 'it's the size of an ostrich egg, blah blah'. It's really not that huge. if you're like me and live somewhere cold, it easily sits in any pocket on your winterjacket, or in your backpack. Go out and buy one, they're cool!

2nd PS: the Gotchi figures for the top are kind of a waste of time/money. :/ I have 5 and I only like the game on 1 of them. I honestly just play the jumping game pre-installed in the Tama, it's awesome. ^^; So unless you're a diehard fan, don't waste your money.

Bit more XD: I've also read that some people have become frustrated with the potty training feature on the Tama-Go. It's really not hard, I'm sure you know, you basically catch your Tama right right before it poops. XD And you get training points. It's easiest when your Tama is a baby and toddler because it poops quite frequently. Just type in 'Tama-Go poop cycle' into Google, then watch for your Tama to poop (should only take 5 minutes if it's young ^^), then just figure out when you'll have to come back to catch him squirming uncomfortably. XD

One thing that confuses me, is when your Tama beeps at you for attention, unlike my V3, it's never clear to me whether I should praise or discipline him. :/ It's actually starting to irk me a little. XD Ugh. I don't think I've gotten it right once, seriously. -_-

The only think I really dislike about it is how huge it is. I like the fact that they can get potty trained, and are pretty easy to take care of. :) I think getting rid of the naming options was kind of a time saver for me, I don't have to search to find good five letter names.


Games: Last 100 seconds. Talk about impossible to sneak into school.

Shops: Everything's a waste of money. No items without figures.

TamaTown: Literally hacked to pieces.

"Features": Potty training: Stresses you up. Park: Maybe an okay feature. Dating place: Come ON! You get them on the V5 and the iD L and the iD and the TMGC+C!

So I may be a modern Tama fan, but I'm a Tama-Go hater.
Sorry about that. I hate my reputation as an immature poster way more than I hate(d) the Tama-Go.

Here are the major complaints about the TMGO:

1. Size. Okay, this is annoying, but sneaking it into school was stressful anyway, wasn't it?

2. Figures price. If you don't think it's worth it, you can manage without it, right?

3. No naming. This might be annoying, but as other people have said, it's good in a way because you're not limited to a few letters.

4. Not much of a shop without figures. As said about figures, if it's not worth the high prices. you can manage without it.

5. Designs. This isn't much of a complaint on this topic, but it's a big complaint elsewhere. I agree, it's a bit pearly and sparkly and girlish, but if you're a boy or an older girl, you can always hide it in your pocket or bag, or not take it out at all. Also, the shell is easy to mark and with a coat of permanent marker every couple of days, it should stay the colour you want it to. You can also make your own faceplates.

I've got to go now, so see you, I'll edit this post later to include more!

~ Dazzmina ~

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