help identifying some tamagotchis


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Apr 21, 2017
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first post, hope im not doing anything wrong ! also, sorry if my english is a bit off. i live in europe.

so, as the title says, could someone help me figure out what tamagotchis i got ? i have 4 in total, all bought from local stores.

i looked on the internet, especially project tamashell and found some that remind me of mine, but im a bit suspicious of them.

i got the first one when i was younger than 7, aka sometime before '06 or '07. the front looks like this and the back is like this. (the odd white circle on the screen is glitter, no idea how it got there lmao).

i found one that resembles it on tamashell (here), however it has some details that are wonky, especially on the right side. i dont think the paint has fallen off, besides in some small parts.

the second one is this (backside). i have no idea when i got it, but not long after the first one. (sorry that it looks like its gone thru a warzone, i dont know how its gotten to that point haha). i couldnt find any match for this one, besides in some auctions. i also saw some with similar patterns, like the stars + creature on the side, but not with those colours. makes me think its an odd bootleg.

i cant open those two, because ive lost the slips and i dont have batteries in them. (yellow one seems to have something blocking the hole, too, probably the remains of a slip lmao). i can get them to work tomorrow, if yall wanna see the pixels or something like that. both of them had same chains as the last two.

the last ones are a bit less tricky. they seem to match the ones listed on tamashell, but they have outlined chimney patterns, instead of filled in ones. later releases or something ? first one (matching one) and the second (matching one). the backsides are identical to the silver one, besides obviously the code. got them both when i was like 13.

all of their infrared ports are non-seethru, which seems to be a good sign. ive heard some cheap ones have very seethru ones.

thank you beforehand !! ill answer any questions about them asap !

On first look, it appears that the first one is a V1, the second a V3, and the last 2 are both V5 (familitchi). They all look authentic to me. Someone else can confirm though.

My V5 has an outlined mouth on the chimney part rather than it being filled in. Mine is legit, so I think both of your are likely also. Additionally, I got my first Tamagotchi (a V3) around 2006 so the time you obtained yours was when they were being made, another confirmation of validity. However, the only way to really test would be the programming, and as long as you don't get any unknown characters or growth patterns, it would be safe to say all your Tamagotchis are genuine. You could also try connecting them to each other (the V5s can only connect together).

Your English is fine, and I might hazard a guess that if you aren't fluent, you are at least at the intermediate level.

i got the two to work and seems like everything is ok with them. from what i can tell the layout is the same with the newer ones, the pixels are the same size etc. seems like the characters fit the versions, too.

i do remember connecting the yellow one with a friends one back in the day, so thats a thing too.

im still a bit confused over what 'style' the silver one is, as i didnt see many matching it. maybe i will figure it out in the future, as it doesnt really matter.

thank you !

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