Help me please!


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Jul 15, 2011
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Hey i have had my tama a few weeks now and i dont know what to do, how do you earn money cause my tama sqeeshy isnt eating and im scared he's going to die please help its so upsetting :'( xxx


Tama1DLover <3!

He is not eating food because he is full.

If he is all fat then he is full and you need to try doing the medicine mark at the bottom, if that doesent work do the toilet mark at the top.

Try looking at the hearts at the first option if it;s full.If it is,then you can play with him too earn money.If it is reduced or empty try feeding it with a meal not a snack. :D happy to help

Try looking at the hearts at the first option if it;s full.If it is,then you can play with him too earn money.If it is reduced or empty try feeding it with a meal not a snack. :D happy to help

  • Does he have his back to you or seems sad ? It may be because his stress is soooo high! You should praise him more. And not just once. LOOOTS of times until it's Z E R O.
  • He might not like the food you are feeding him.
  • If he's a teen or adult he will definitely not eat baby food or baby milk. He needs food from the shop. That's why it's BABY MILK AND FOOD it's for babies ;)
  • He's probably sick you should give him medicine.
  • He might want to play.

If that doesn't work, I dunno, ask an expert. I do hope I helped though! :)

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