Help me with my questionnaire!


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Oct 9, 2006
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Hi, everyone!

I'm a uni student who's studying video games. Right now I'm working on a project that's really similar to a tamagotchi! In fact, our group bought 4 of them so we can see what it's like. They're really fun! So I was wondering if anyone would be nice enough to take a quick survey about certain games like Tamagotchi and The Sims. If you'd like to help out, here's the link:

The more people that respond, the more fun we can make our game. Thanks, everyone!!


[*fixed link*]

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Hello and welcome to tamatalk! :ph34r:

I hope you'll enjoy your visits and find this site very helpful. :) Take some time to read the rules and PM me if you have any questions. ;)

I filled in the survey and my favourite game is 'Animal Crossing Wild World' for nintendo DS.

Also, it's not always safe to say your name or personal information about yourself on the internet so on the first questions of your survey, tamatalk members might find it best to type in their tamatalk username. :D

-sk8er girl-

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