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Nov 4, 2007
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Does any1 know what this Tama is? At first I thought it was a fake, but on the connection screen, instead of saying STANDBY, it has the Bandai logo, so I thought that it must be a real Tama. But I have never seen it before, on the Intenet or anywhere else. Could someone plz help me?

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yes it is you can see the tama clearly, it is just a little blurry around the edge.

well do you mean the toy or the character? we cannot see the character obviously but ive never seen the toy before. where did you get it? message me.

Horribly sorry, but I believe you have been ensnared in the jaws of a fake. BanDai has a logo that is often changed ever so slightly, such as to say Ban Dai or Bandai, making them 'orriginal'. Becides that, the background screen is very different from any I have ever seen.

Try to remember when looking to purchase a tamagotchi to STAY OFF online public merchandising sites such as eBay and stick to either shopping on well-known toy stores like Toys-r-Us and Target or visit their websites for direct buys. Also, be sure to inspect the packaging for the genuine BanDai logo before buying.

Stick with the classic versions in common stock and you'll surley miss the false 'tamagotchis'.

Hope I could be of aid!


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