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i think you should go out with Gary Dump your boyfriens if you keep loooking at Gary and not him it is a sign that you should go out iwitn him. But I hope that you didn't tell him secrets and OMG your only 11 don't you have to be 13 to be on here and you have a bf already you shouldn't your not even in middle school
Wheee Ohhh Wheeee Ohhh

Backseat moderating.

Wheee Ohhh Wheeee Ohhh

Stay out of it all.

Ok, I am sorry I am double posting but it wouldn't let me edit my other post!!! :D

Ok, well today on the bus someone was like "kiss the girl!!!" and me and ryan are like no!!! and then he tried to and then got off the bus to his house and blew me TWO kisses. HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and my crush (gary) is helping me with the situation.

i still want to break up with ryan

I'm sorry, it won't let me edit the post above this one, so i have to post here. (sorry)

ok, so gary has been e-mailing me and he keeps on saying "want me to break up with ryan for you????" and I keep on saying "maybe". I finally said yes, and I THINK he's gonna today, or tomorrow. i am sick today, so i am not going to school, and i think gary might want me to be there too.

and yesterday, me gary and like 5 of my friends were walking to lunch and gary screams "THERE'S YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and i'm like "shut-up gary i know" and he said "can i go break up with him for you?" and i said "tomorrow or the next day" so he got kind of sad and walked away. and when he sceamed that everyone started staring at us. it was so odd...

but ryan is on my bus, and he keeps on sitting with me. and when gary breaks up with him for me, he's not gonna shut-up about it. >_< help!!!

Umm, I wouldn't have gone out with this Ryan in the first place, I would feel awkward, going out with a guy I've known nearly my whole life and don't like in that way. Break up before it gets too serious, otherwise you really will break his heart :)

And if Gary realises you're single, maybe he'll take the hint. Just don't let him break up with his girlfriend, then ask you out on the same day (that's what this guy did to me and one of my BFFL). Don't get rushed into a realtionship, just wait at least a few weeks before saying yes to anyone, because it will make Ryan sad, maybe he'll think you were using him.

Are you actually sure Gary likes you in that way? Maybe he thinks you are a really great friend :)

But I'm just trying to make up excuses in case you dump Ryan and everything goes wrong cause Gary didn't like you that way...

Dang, HE LIKES YOU. (Not that it's a bad thing for you, but because it does complicate things.. :p )

Do what you thinks best.

Best Wishes


Edit: Fudgecakes, I didn't see the second page for some bizarre reason... Umm, well don't let Gary pressurize (sp?) you.. Take it at your own pace :)

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um ok. i'll e-mail gary tonight and ask him if he broke up with ryan for me, and if he didn't i'll tell him to tomorrow. thanks everyone.

but what if gary asks me out? i say yes and we are in <3? ummm... ok nvm

Well, I think Gary is pressurizing you :D

He sounds nice and everything, and it's great he likes you back, but he's getting you stressed...

And I think you should break up with Ryan face-to-face. Tell him it's not working for you, or whatever, I'm sure you'll think of something. If Gary tells him you want to break up, it'll look like you and Gary have been planning this (which you kind of have, but it won't be nice), and then as soon as you break up with Ryan, if Gary asks you out it'll make you look like a *something*. Try and get it across to him that yeah, you like him, but you don't want rumours flying around about you :p

Lol I hope it works out!

Best Wishes


thanks barky, but it's too late. today at breakfast gary broke up with ryan for me. and gary was all like "yes!!!!!!!!!" and ryan was crying. wow, how little it can take to break a guys heart....... wow. this is his heart now: </3 ... split. oh well, we can still be friends...

Everyone's saying "Don't go out with Gary coz you've got a boyfriend and he's got a girlfriend and you can't so there." There is such thing as breaking up!

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