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Well-known member
May 15, 2008
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I think I am in love with this guy in one of my classes, in lunch/recess with me, and he is my partner in yearbook. Please help me i really need help and i cant pass him a note or talk to him with my heart beating faster or going motor mouth/speaking fast.

Please help me

samizer0313 or SAM

Well, first of all, just a little flirting might work... For example, play with him at break, and perhaps hang around with him. Or, you could play a bit of footie of with him, well, if you're a tomboy, unlike me... Or, just when you're passing him in the hallway, give him a quick smile, but not forced. After a while, see if he's flirting back. Wait, for him to perhaps, ask you out to McDonalds, or to the park.

If this doesn't work, or just doesn't, tell me. Pur-lease?


EDIT: I just noticed you "Motor Mouth" to your friends. Try to breath deeply, like inhaling for 3 secs, and then exhaling for 3 secs. Or even biting your lip if you want.

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Another person pulling out the "in LOVE with a guy" card again.

Well, I can't say it can't be love and it's just an infatuation.

But I will.

If you think it's really love, go ahead and think that.'s young love.

Try flirting with him.

He's just another guy,

no need to get nervous.

Think before you speak.

You should do fine.

Just be yourself.

Aw. :D Just be yourself around him. You are every bit as cool and nice as he is, so be confident in you and he won't be able to resist you! =] Good luck!


True love never happends when you're me...

BUT, Do YOU think HE likes you? Like does he star at you alot or never talk to you? If he does those two then he's intimidated by you! You need to make a move like ask him if he did good on his test or stupid small talk. Well good luck!

I think I am in love with this guy in one of my classes, in lunch/recess with me, and he is my partner in yearbook. Please help me i really need help and i cant pass him a note or talk to him with my heart beating faster or going motor mouth/speaking fast.
Please help me

samizer0313 or SAM
Be patcient, i have a soulution!!!

1) hang out

2) become friends

3) when the two of u are togather, ask him if he 'likes likes' u

4) If it's a yes, ask 'em out, if not, wait... :D :D :D

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