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Jun 16, 2009
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My own little world
Just about 2 hours ago I found out that one of my good friends who is also my crush was diagnosed with lukimia. When I read the e-mail I cried. I just met him this year but we became tight friends. Also another one of my friend's dad had cancer and might die soon. So please give me some advice on how to not cry everytime I see something that reminds me of him and please pray for all people who have cancer.

Thank You


The advice is: Do some research so you know the facts and don't just go all emotional based on your own imagination.

There are quite a few different forms of leukaemia. Most forms are treatable and are not terminal (fatal).

Treatments include pharmaceuticals (medication), radiation therapy and bone marrow transplants.

Find out what kind your crush has, ask him what the prognosis is from the Doctor or Consultant in charge of his case and what treatment he will undergo.

Yes, always learn about the things that scare you.

Try to not be emotional around that person either. It's best for them to not have to deal with your bad emotional state.

Remember, this sickness is not the only thing this person is. Remember the person's other interests and talk about that too. ;)

Well good thing is that they caught it early and might be able to get rid of it. My friends saw him at their basketball tournment and he looked fine so I've been trying to get his cell # and his e-mail to talk to him.

This is the guy you like right?

If so, first tell him. So you dont have regrets.

Second, Iys okay to cry ,But If you dont want to cry everytime I would just think positively and maybe that'll Help?

Im not All that great at giving advice XP

I don't think theres anything wrong with crying. Its a matter of life and death and such, and so I don't think anyone has the right to object, if thats why you don't wanna cry.

I say do what RollinSpeal said, tell him you like him so you won't have any regrets.

Then try to get his phone number and talk/text him and ask him what kind he has.

i'm sure if he goes throught the treatment that he will pull though it, my friends brother had that same cancer and he's ok now hes now 6 and it took 4 years for it to get better, my friend whom i go to school with has lung cancer the docters gave him 6 months to live and it's been 1 month but i'm not too worried only cuz they told him this one other time and it's been a year and a half and he's compleatly fine right now so done get too worked up over it.

Just try to get it off your mind :eek:
As if stress is that simple...

I can't really help you. But my advice is to not panic. That will make you have bad thoughts.

It's perfectly ok to be distraught, but you shouldn't show your friend that you're a wreck. Just treat him normally; that's probably what he would want. Kids don't like the "special" treatment just because they're a little different. And do your research - the more you know on his condition, the better you'll feel and the more you'll be able to console him.

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