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Mar 15, 2008
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ok hi everybody! i broke up with my boyfriend and it would have been 7 months as of saturday the 12th but now i have a new boyfriend and we have been going out for a week. he has a lot more experience then my previous bf and things r going really well. he has told me he loves me and i love him. we've been talking non stop for the past 5 days... but here's the catch... not only is he my ex bf's BEST FRIEND but he also went out with three of my best friends... i need opnions... am i a jerk or not????

You aren't a jerk. If you're still friends with your ex, then it should be fine. However if you're not on good terms with your ex.. well, it's really none of his business. If your best friends don't mind, then you're fine.

Well...Your not a jerk for it.

But you did bounce back pretty quick. ^ .^;...

If I were him I think I'd feel pretty crappy to know that my ex

got with another guy right after we just broke up. xP


But as long as he's ok with it. There really shouldn't be a problem.


But if this dude went threw three of your best friends...xP It makes me wonder how long you two will last.

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Well...Your not a jerk for it. But you did bounce back pretty quick. ^ .^;...

If I were him I think I'd feel pretty crappy to know that my ex

got with another guy right after we just broke up. xP


But as long as he's ok with it. There really shouldn't be a problem.


But if this dude went threw three of your best friends...xP It makes me wonder how long you two will last.
I bolded what I couldn't agree with more.

You're making it seem like you started going out with this guy almost right after you broke up with your ex that you've been with for months. Is this guy just one of those, "bounce back flings," or is it real? (It seems to me that the first may be the most possible case). Do you really like him, or are you a) feel dependent on a guy and need a relationship or B) using him to make your ex jealous or show him that you can get along with out him?

And also, if he went through three of your best friends, what makes you think he's going to stick with you? You're likely to just end up getting hurt.

So basically, I'd advise you sit down and think about WHY you like this boy and WHY you are with him. WHY is he different.

If you decide you want to stay with him, then go talk to your friends and make sure there are no hard feelings and that they're okay with you dating their ex. Most of the time, friends last longer than boyfriends, so make sure they're cool with the situation. You don't want to end up losing a friend over this.

Are you still friends with your ex? Or was it a nasty break up situation? Because if you're still friends, you should definitely talk to him and let him know you're not trying to hurt them, because that's probably what you're doing, even if that's not your intention.

No, you are not a jerk. If you like him, than that's your decision. It's not your ex's problem, your friend's problems, it's nobody's business except your own.

But If your dating him to make people jealous, than that's a whole 'nother story.

He's dated 3 of your best friends? If he goes through girls like that, make sure he actually likes you so the relationship will last.

As for the actual question, I don't think you're a jerk. You have the right to date who you want to date.

Make sure your friends are okay with it. Always. Friends always have to come before your boyfriend. If they aren't okay with him and you going out, I would break up with him. You do not want any ruined friendships in the process.

Good luck!


all of my friends have said its ok for me to go out with him as long as they get to say whatever mean things they want about him. they have went out with him over the course of a year so he really doesnt go through girls THAT fast... he treats me nicely and actually seems to care about me unlike most of my other boyfriends so things are really working out. my ex and i are still friends and its not all tense when we hang out. i was recently on crutches and both my bf and my ex have helped me carry my things to my classes so its working out nicely.

i voted ' dont care' but wen i voted i hadnt red da fing. ur not a jerk its not like ur purposely datin him becoz of da situation

Not so much that you are the jerk. It could be possible it is he who is the jerk, seeing that he knows that you are friends with some of his previous girl friends. Just think this through, like you have to do with every relationship. Watch out for any wrong signals, but enjoy yourself too. Don't become a jerk.

all of my friends have said its ok for me to go out with him as long as they get to say whatever mean things they want about him. they have went out with him over the course of a year so he really doesnt go through girls THAT fast... he treats me nicely and actually seems to care about me unlike most of my other boyfriends so things are really working out. my ex and i are still friends and its not all tense when we hang out. i was recently on crutches and both my bf and my ex have helped me carry my things to my classes so its working out nicely.
By this post, you kinda answered your own question.

You aren't a jerk.

Well... I have more to add to this. One of my best friend's boyfriend just broke up with her. She's really upset, and when she found out that he lied by saying he needed "a little break" and instead it was because he was dating someone else, she lost it. This was at the beginning of math class when the teacher went to the bathroom, and she just broke out crying. Moral of the story; that kid was a jerk to her, and it makes me even more confident in saying that this guy will end up doing that to you. Like I said, I don't think you're a jerk, but just be careful around this guy. Make sure the relationship is real.

You aren't a jerk. And I totally know what you mean by liking your ex's best friend, and went out with a few friends. Trust me I know, I like my man's buddy... I'm sorry... and he went out with a few of my friends and I kind of got mad.... ^^;;

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