Help! My Tamagotchi Keeps Getting Sick!


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Lollipop Lover

Well-known member
Jan 11, 2009
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Okay, so my Tamagotchi Music Star is on his first generation, and he keeps getting sick. I check his hearts and they drop really faster then normal. I just cured him, and I did that about 5 minutes ago.


Can somebody please help me! I keep filling in his hearts but he is still getting sick! Help me please! :)

Well, I have a question for you, 1.) was your Tamagotchi a baby or toddler when it started to get sick a lot? and 2.) when it was sick, did he/she have a lot of little poopies around him/her?

Because what I've noticed on almost every single Tamagotchi that I've owned, when they are Babies and Toddlers they tend to get sick very easily, I left my Music Star alone for about 15 minutes with one poop and he got ill, then again he was ill as a child with nothing around him. Actually, I think that as a baby baby, the Tama get's sick automatically, like a care need, testing you or something.

Also, if you leave the Poopies out on the screen to long, your Tama will get sick no matter what, like this morning I woke up late and Tarakotchi (my Music Star) and he had three little Poops and was ill. It took two doses of medicine of make him better.

If you Tama is an adult, however, I'll not sure, so get back to me, and I'll look over the internet and try and help you as best as I can. I apologize if this is useless information, but I really hope that this helps even a little for you.

For older characters, baby food & snack (baby's milk) will fill only two hungy & happy hearts.

If you feed too many snacks, he will get a toothache, requiring medicine.

There may be bad effects from a high stress level. Praise him to lower it.

How fast do his happy & hungry hearts drop? Write down the time when he beeps for attention, make note of how many hungry & happy hearts are full. Fill his hungry and happy hearts. It is normal for younger characters to drop hearts fairly quickly. Some characters drop hearts faster than others. An adult character should take 30-60 minutes (or more) to drop each heart. A baby may drop a heart every 3-5 minutes.

When you say "he keeps getting sick" - you mean the skull icon appears on the screen above him, not just the attention icon in the lower right corner, right? Just checking.

Thank you very much for all of the help! :eek: I meant that a skull icon appears on his screen, just above his head when he is sick. His hearts don't drop reasonably fast, and I feed him food from the shop. Could I be doing something wrong? When he calls for attention I check and he will have low happy hearts, so I play a game with him, and then 5 minutes after that, he gets a scull icon! ;)

Yes it is sort of a CLITCH o-O you have to stick with it or quit the digital toy.

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