Help Needed!


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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2004
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I dont understand the jump game at all on V2. I looked at the directions, but they are unclear of things. Could someone help?

When you see the circle on the left turn black push the A button (the button on the left), when the circle in the middle turns black bush B (middle button), and when the right circle turns black push C (the button on the left). :eek:

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ok ill simplify it for you.... you have to press the button that flashes in half a second so it beeps....if it doesnt beep its ok....but just make sure you press the button that corresponds to the one that turns black in half a second or less... im training to be a tama guide so pm me if you have any questions...

when the space turns black just press the button that corresponds to it... press it only once in half a second or less...

Memetchi_man, all you're doing is repeating exactly what I say! :eek:

ok the last thing we need on this site is i will give you the credit for this one.... im sorry....

It's okay. Sorry. Try helping other new Tama-lovers! :D You're really helpful, btw. :eek: im training to be a tama guide so im helping everyone i can..... im sorry i bothered me if you have any questions...

OK, from what I've learned, the instructions had a typo. Turns out you don't have to press all the buttons in half a second. I think they meant 5 seconds, not 0.5 seconds, since that's about how long it takes me to do it.

When all three circles are empty, start pushing the A button really fast. (REALLY, REALLY fast.) If nothing happens within 4 or 5 seconds, go on to the B button. Still nothing? Go on to the C button. Then go back to A and B to finish.

It works best when the sound is on, because if you get one right, you'll hear the normal little beep, then a higher-pitched one after it.

Did I help? :eek:

Thanks guys. I somewhat figured it out minutes after i created this topic! :D I hope all of you become great tama helpers.

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