Help! Not evolving


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Jan 30, 2007
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Please help my egg won't evolve into a baby and i have left it on its own for 12 hours! :eek:

is it new? you need to set the time in order for it to hatch.

you have to set the time and date and wilt 2-3 minits and it will hach. if that dosen't work then reset it and it will work. trust me my bro's 1st tama did it too.

hope i helped!

how do you set the time? when you have an egg
u just press the middle button then press a & c down at the same time until it says set down the bottom then set ur clock to the right time using buttons a & b then when u are done press the middle button again and u have the right time! :ichigotchi: :mimitchi: then ur egg will hatch in 2-3 mins like tamalove754 said and VIOLA ur egg would have hatched into either a boy or a girl! :ichigotchi: :mimitchi: :)

hope i helped :mellow: :marumimitchi:

memetchi7 B)

First of all, is the egg white with little dots or a big egg with wings? If it has wings, your Tama passed away :( . If it is small and has little dots, heres what to do.

Make sure the time is NOT 0:00. Eggs dont hatch if they are on 0:00. Enter the time on your Tamagotchi according to your clock. The egg should hatch within a few minutes.

Hope I helped! :D

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