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Jul 28, 2006
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:( I've bought two boomboxes because when I had the first one, I inserted the CD disc thingie, and it exploded!!!! Why'd that happen, and how can I prevent it? :wacko:
it is just because it is random, whatever happens.

im telling you the truth, believe me... I have eleven tamagotchis- at least one of every version. (including the originals) :( :[

:) I've bought two boomboxes because when I had the first one, I inserted the CD disc thingie, and it exploded!!!! Why'd that happen, and how can I prevent it? :D
I'm not sure why the CD exploded but thats what happens if you insert it to the boombox. It happend to mine and I had to buy a new one *cries*

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I'm not sure why the CD exploded but thats what happens if you insert it to the boombox. It happend to mine and I had to buy a new one *cries*
SAme here. So much money. WASTED!!!!! *sobs*

You can trash d***s. Don't use any!!! I had to buy 3 *ugg!!!* new boom boxes. Go to presents, then press the item you want to trash. It will say, wrap??? So don't do anything. And then, press (A) and the words ,"TRASH?" will apper. Then you pressyes and so on....

Hope that helped!!

CDs always break your boombox, so don't buy them anymore. They're prank items! Hope I helped! :wacko:
i heard that if you press the C button Just as the CD is going in the boomBox, then it will play a little tune then blow up

i dunno why. i think it's because they can't work together. wrap the cd when you're using the boombox, and vice versa. unless you wanna throw them away. i think both items will explode and disappear from item list.

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