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Dec 8, 2007
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I really want a Tamagotchi V4.5 but my parents think i'm too old(i'm 13). Suggestions? -_-

does anyone else have suggestions? and TAMAGIRL2008, id love to hear ur other ideas..

I agree with tamagirl2008 they are tama fans that are older then the age lemit and i am one of them i am over 25 years old and i have 4 version 4 and 1 version 4.5 i also have 2 version 1 , 4 verison 2 and 2 version 3 :D

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yes, Tamagotchis are for all age groups.My parents are not too strict about tamas.I think that if you follow your interests, life will be much more entertaining.

just get one they can tell you your too old but if you think your not your not!

i'm 22 and i have 1 V4 and 1 V4.5 and i'm getting another V4.5 for christmas.

my advice is to ask a friend to get you one for xmas. B)

You could say that you would like some freedom to make your own desicions (if you're going to do this you might want to prepare yourself for a long discussion lol) and you'll pay for it yourself. If you are struggling with school work then your parents will probably say no though.

I am 23 years old and my friend and I got them as a joke. We had a contest to see who could keep them alive the longest and I love it. Very entertaining. I talked my 17 year old brother into getting one too and he thinks they are fun. Anyway maybe you could try earning some money and buying one for yourself.

just buy it yourself! 15 bucks in usa,17 in Canada [where i live].

what everybody else says. It's a fun toy! i know a 13 year old girl who likes playing with dolls, i know a 16 year old girl who likes the disney princesses. there's nothing wrong with getting a tama.

thats so stupid that youre parents wont let you have a tama! Im 12 and i have 4! tell them that ther r people that are lik, 21 and have tamas!

I really want a Tamagotchi V4.5 but my parents think i'm too old(i'm 13). Suggestions? ;)
I'm 13 and my parents don't think I'm too old. Tamagotchi's are a hobby, and you can't really be too old for a hobby you enjoy. Adults have Tamagotchis, so tell them you're not too old due to that reason. :eek:


You are never too old for tamas. Some 60 year olds have them. :)

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