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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2007
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when i went to Tamatown for V4 and V4.5 i redid my code 3 times and it kept saying ERROR on the comp.

You might be looking at the letters and numbers wrong. At first that happened to me a lot, but then I noticed that the D looked like a 0 and found out my mistake.

You got the code from your tamagotchi or did you make it up?

Anywayz, be careful! Bs look like 8s and Ds look like 0s!

Here's the way to tell Ds from 0s...

Ds are a bitcurved and 0s are just rectangles

Bs and 8s are tricky when you first see it...

bit if you look closely, Bs have a slight curve...

8s look like a plain rectangle with a line in the middle

its hard to explain...

If you made up the code... you're not supposed to...

You go to the icon that looks like a bean thingy then go down to PC and press B. Your tamagotchi will hop off the screen and the password shows up.

did i answer your question?

I messed up in the beginning a lot too, my friend had to read the password for me... XD

lol... :lol:

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