HELP! Something weird happened w/ my tama!


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Tammie Sammie

Well-known member
May 22, 2005
Reaction score
I went to the shop and there was a plant and I pressed the button and it made the cannot do noise! Whsat happened? Is it just a glitch? Please help!

I don't know Tammie Sammie,

Maybe a glitch... Are you absolutely sure you had enough points?

Hmmmm... Kinda Weird.



my brother had the same problem that is so wierd!! :wacko: :ph34r:

Here's some possibilitys:

1. You could have bought something else and tried to take the plant but you've already spent your pts.

2. You could've already bought the item, cuz when you do it dosen't let you buy another one.

3. You could of mistaken the item and clicked on something expensiver

And another

one is you could of not had enough pts. ;)

What i think is wrong though is that your items are full....maybe not too sure

Well if you find out why pm cause i would like to know the real reason K?

Well, i hope we helped ( which i(Lilly) Highly doubt) I hope you find the real reasone why. :)

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these people(can't be bothered to list their names, don't be disappointed!) are right. your items are probably full! :gozarutchi:

Here are some possibilities:

1 Your item list may be full. If you have too many items it won't let you buy any more.

2 (sorry if this sounds rude, I'm not trying to be) You MIGHT have had enough and then bought something else and now don't have enough points

3 (again sorry if I sound rude, but this might happen and yet again I'm not trying to be) you might have counted the zeros wrong.

4 It could be a glitch

5 You might have dropped it and broken the line of pixels where the zero usually would be, thus making it look like only 8 Gotchi Points instead of 80.

Sorry if any of these sound rude, they were not intended to be. I might also have missed something, or your problem may be different than what it sounds like.

That happened to me before.I think it's a glitch. Not sure. try going into the shop again and buying it. I think thats what i did and it worked.

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