help v5 confusion


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Feb 25, 2006
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Ok hi guys im not new to tamagotchis but I have a question . And sorry if im like repeating a previous topic. Ok on my v5 toy my mametchi married my other v5s chantochi and they had 2 eggs and a mame family the next generation I had a mametchi also but I married it through the DATING SHOW with chantochi and got 3 eggs and a blended family what's up with that are you only able to have non blended familys like mame or kutchipatchi through direct v5 comunication and not dating show? Help me I would appriciate it !

actually you can do both. you can only have a non-blended family if your parents, are in the same tama family. If not, you will have a blended family, hope this helps.

-Tama paridise

Also, bonding level affects what kind of family you get. You need 100% bonding for a pure family (Flower, Mame, Patchi, or Meme)



Ok hi guys im not new to tamagotchis but I have a question . And sorry if im like repeating a previous topic. Ok on my v5 toy my mametchi married my other v5s chantochi and they had 2 eggs and a mame family the next generation I had a mametchi also but I married it through the DATING SHOW with chantochi and got 3 eggs and a blended family what's up with that are you only able to have non blended familys like mame or kutchipatchi through direct v5 comunication and not dating show? Help me I would appriciate it !
No, you do not need to mate through direct communication in order to have a pure family. Pure families occur when specific characters marry at 100% bonding. The characters are:

Mametchi - Chantotchi (Mame family)

Memetchi - Mumutchi (Meme family)

Kuchipatchi - Yonepatchi (Kuchipa family)

Violetchi - Sukatchi (Violet family)

So, it is only the character types and the bonding level that affects if you receive a pure family or not. And please note that you can only get a pure family if you have the characters in bold yourself and accept the other character through either the dating show or infra-red connection, not the other way around.

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