Help! Where did you get yours?


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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2005
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Hey! I've been searching for a tamagotchi version 2. I looked online and they were way more then suggested retail price. Also, I don't wanna look for it on ebay

So where did you get YOUR tamagotchi?

Did you get it at Toys r us, target, walmart, etc...

**Also, if you know, do you know when tamagotchi version 2 will be available on

thanks so much!


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I looked at a local toys R us today, but they didn't have it...

Must look at other toys R us! :unsure:

yeah, you should! or ask someone there when they get their shipments in, or to have them call you when they get in more shipments of the v2 tamagotchis. i've done that before! make sure they write it down if that's what you do. :unsure:

Do they sell it at target??

Thanks ungraceful though!! :)

as far as i know they do, they sold the v1 connections at target so they should have the v2 tamagotchis too. and no problem :) . so yeah, i would check at target too.

ungraceful01, check your private messages....

look at the top-right corner of this page :)

I can't find Tamagotchis anywhere except Target. :wacko: They have Nano Pets and those new Pixel things, too. Where I live.

:eek: I got my Tamas at Target, Walmart, and K Mart (if I remember right >.<)

I also saw some tamagotchis at Kay-Bee Toys :wacko:

I finally got mine at Target.

Then, the next day they magically appeared at Wal-Mart. (which, at that Wal-Mart, the toy department people had told me that they might not be getting the new tamas. weird.)


I got my V1 and V2 at Toys R' Us, 15 bucks.

I got my tama at Toys R Us for £12.49. They only had one colour and there were three left.

Although I really love my tama, I wish it could have a nicer design! It's yellow and orange.


Ahh! I went to walmart and target today, and toys r us yesterday, and they didn't have it! I'm so desperate for one :ph34r:

And I'm going to wait until they have it at toys r us

Any suggestions?

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