help with music city?


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Dec 28, 2008
Reaction score
i logged in to music city, when i went to log in my music star tama it keeps saying my user id is incorrect & i checked it twice just to make sure & it is correct. has this happened to anyone else? is there something i can do about it?

I've heard other members complain about this. Do you have a number in your username? Apparently the Music Star will allow you to set a username with a number in it, but the web site doesn't yet allow it.

Did you activate your "Tama Music City" account yet?

If you dont know how to activate it here is how,

you simply log on to your e-mail and there should be a e-mail

from "Tama Music City" (check in S*P*A*M*,Junk or other folders)

;) click on it and activate it, and you set. ;)

I just made a topic about this. Whoops, I guess I should have checked around a little harder. Sowwy. :wacko: I hope Bandai fixes this soon.
