Help with TMGC+C screen?


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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2014
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Well guys, I got my TMGC+C 2 weeks ago and I've been running it since then, It's my first color tama, so I don't know if this is normal or not, nor how to fix it :(

you know how sometimes when you blow at a smartphone's screen inside of bed the colors on it turn blurry and weird?

I think this is a wet screen or something, I don't really know how to call it, well, the screen of my TMGC+C is looking like that, blurry and with weird colors :(

I don't know how it happened, I'm guessing is because of the humid air or the random weather changes, (it was suppersunny some days ago, and now is raining...)

I just wanted to know, is there any way to fix the screen? will it go back to normal? or will I have to keep using it this way? :'(

Ahh... Humidity maynot be its friend. I know when I take it out time to time in the heat (or colder weather) it reacts a bit. Mine will get heat stuck under it, in short. I set it into rice, I just leave the battery in though. Then I remind myself to keep it in cooler tempertures/humidity. If you have a small beanbag of rice if its a constant heat/himindity/cold it helps protect it in whatever you carry it in. (maybe a pouch with rice sorta as the stuffing, its weird but helpful...)

Also, below freezing temps, tamagotchi in general hate. Just like heat/humidity which is a larger issue because of the fogginess in the screen.

If you don't get it that way. Open it and rice the tama carefully.

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oh no, leaving in a subtropical area I have to be carefull with this then, my tamagotchi will have to suffer from both heat and humidity D:

So if I put my tamagotchi in a small bag with rice the foggyness should disappear right? should I leave the battery case open or closed?

Closed. I would make a deal of making a pouch or something. Then putting some rice at the bottom. Like two sides on each actual side and then some rice at the bottom. Hopefully that makes sense... I find if I keep my tamas in pouches that helps too. I use a camera case then a smaller felt pouch inside to protect it more. Mine usually camp inside on hot days 80 degrees or more. That or are in layers to keep it at a more regular temp... Somewhere in the instructions it says keep outta sunlight and heavy heated areas (and cold)

Nah. Just think about what you might do for the day and think about a container to bring them in. Most of mine are in the camera case in felt. As I stated before. Felt seems like a good protector for as cheap as it is.

Oh... I should have read the manual, its probably because I've taken it with me everywhere so it must have gotten a lot of sun ;-;

do you think a sock with rice would work too? I usually keep my TMGC+C in socks so the screen doesn't get (even more) scratched xD

Kuchipatchi is sleeping so I left my tamagotchi in a bowl full of rice, do you think by tomorroow the screen will be back to normal? :wub:

Sock would probably work, but in another sock... Not to let the rice run around because the powder will get into/onto the tamagotchi. Like a pillow pouch on each side of rice. Sew it up with rice on both sides... Like two socks and then sewn into one with the middle being the pouch, but maybe not a sock? So the rice would be inside the socks like your feet would be. If that explains better.

It might be. Depends on how long its been in the sun and whatever else. If this doesn't work, you can open it up and wipe the front screen off. Rice makes a good insulator though.

Okay I left it in rice overnight and nothing, the screen stays the same -_-

should I open it and wipe the screen? is it too hard to open? I'm afraid I could break my tamagotchi :(

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