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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2006
Reaction score
my favorite character in v4 is makiko and i have tryed my best to trying to get her.

but i restared and im in the first gen ad my tam is a girl and richt now its a ringotchi.

pls tell me how to get!!!


[SIZE=11pt]Look at this Tamagotchi Connection Version 4 Growth Chart[/SIZE]


How to get Makiko:

  • Make sure your tamagotchi is a female
  • Make sure have get Memetchi
  • Make sure your arts/talent is abour 350 points
  • and make sure your intellgence and kindess adds up to a total of 100.
(Example: 50 points Intellgence, 50 points. kindess)

However get jobs like a rockstar so it can be easier to earn points.




Flag = Kindess (flower icon)

Dance = Arts/Talent (star icon)

Shape = Smartness (penci icon)

It's like Memetchi's oldie ;) .

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ok i understand but its so hard to get 450 points in about two days, your teen for two days only. and do have to have 350 art pointss before you becaome adult or before you get babies?

to get it get a memetchi and then get it 350 art/star points and 450 all together a day/ hour later it will turn into makkio they are very hard to get

ok i understand but its so hard to get 450 points in about two days, your teen for two days only. and do have to have 350 art pointss before you becaome adult or before you get babies?
Try to earn it about 5 days; the growth chain is like A TEEN (Young Memetchi, Ichigotchi) – Memetchi – Makiko. You can earn the points when their adults. Remember it’s like a oldie of Memetchi. So try to earn much as you can when your tamagotchi is a adult and when it’s a teen...

thanks i understand now.

thanks for the help everybody!

tama-hug :eek: !!!!!!!!

you need from all of your points as in intelegence fasion etc al together need to adup too at least 450 or so and at least 350 to come form fasion. :D realyhard to get

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