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Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
ok so i just got a letter put in my mailbox right? well the mail was put in the middle category and when i opened the letter it was a heart so my question is: WHAT DID THE HEART DO??? :( hope someone can help! :D

SORRY I GOT THE SAME THING AND I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL WHEN NO ONE POSTS AND YOUR DESPERATE FOR THE ANSWER.SORRY I CAN'T HELP! :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi: :eek: :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :ichigotchi:

yes, i'm pretty sure the heart in the mail boosts your tama's happyness level.

And also, here are the explenations of the icons at the post:

Star: It's your fortune. POINTS ICON= If you have 3 stars show up, that means there is a good chance you will get more points when you play a game. 2 stars= normal points 1 star= less than normal points.

BODY: It tells you if your tama is going to get sick, 1 star= a likley chance it'll get sick, 2 stars= normal chance 3 stars= no chance of getting sick. HEART: I think this represents if your tama will get along with the next tama it connects to. 1 star= it'll hate the tama, 2 stars= it's an equal chance, 3 stars= Your tama will be great friends with the connecting tama!

envilope: You can get all sorts of things in the mail, like the heart you got, you might even get something from the king, like a present or points. But you can also get poop and a snake in the mail. You can even get robbed!

[!]: When this icon is flashing, that means you are eather going to attend school, or try out for a job... or you are going to graduate from the school.

letter mail can be:

a poo (all happy hearts empty)

a snake (all happy hearts empty)

a heart (all happy hearts fill)

the robber (you lose some of your Gotchi points)

the king - delivering a bag of money (you get some free Gotchi points)

the king - delivering a gift of food (or snack)

the king - delivering an item gift (sometimes really expensive items like a travel ticket)

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