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Active member
Aug 27, 2004
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Hi there,

Here are a few questions I have about how tamagotchi characters develop. I have visited

but have problems with some of its explanations. If you can answer any of my questions (maybe even all of them :angry: ) I would greatly appreciate it.

I have two tamagotchis and this morning I began my 2nd generation (the adults left last night). I woke up at 10am to find that my baby tamagotchis were already up (no surprise there) and immediately set out to feed them as they looked upset (I had just woken up and was a little dazed). Next thing I knew, the name screen had come up and I quickly chose two names. Once I had entered the names, the tamagotchis didn't look upset (like I had just left them for an hour) but instead had all the signs that they had just been born. After caring for them at the same time as best I could, they transformed into Marutchi an hour later.

Here are my questions:

1) Did the babies only start growing once I named them or were they affected by me only caring for them at 10am, an hour later then their wakeup time?

2) Why didn't I get Kinakomotchi? My parents were both fully disciplined Tarakotchi.

3) Now that I have Marutchi, is it impossible to get ichigotchi or young mimitchi? The website listed above indicates that these two characters only develop from Kinakomotchi.

4) Ultimately, I want to get Mimitchi as an adult. Any suggestions for doing this? If I neglect my tamagotchis as babies and children and then get Onionotchi, is it then possible to get Mimitchi as the website indicates? Or should I start taking excellent care of it now and hope I get Young Mimitchi? The website indicates that Mimitchi can only develop from these two teenagers, Onionotchi and Young Mimitchi. Since I have Marutchi, is it even possible to get Young Mimitchi? :)

5) Finally, does how you care for your tamagotchi in one stage affect its character growth two stages later? For example, if I neglect tamagotchi during its first baby stage and then get Marutch and then care well for Marutchi, will my bad care during that first stage affect what teenager marutchi develops into? Or does the record of how well you cared for your tamagotchi start afresh as he evolves into each new stage? Hope this wasn't too confusing.

Thanks for reading and I hope that you can help me :D

Come on everyone! Someone must be able to answer at least one of these questions. Please help me if you can! :)

right, thats alot of questions! anyway here we go...

i believe that the babies only start growing once you've named them because after that, thats when they start to move around like they usually do. Although, looking after them 1 or 2 hours after them waking up may have caused them to cry (thats a form of neglect! :) ) and thats probably why you got Marutchi!

You can still get Itchigotchi, Oniontchi or Hinotamatchi. If you get Oniontchi you still have a shot at getting Mimitchi but you can't get Young Mimitchi!

If you neglect your Marutchi a LITTLE you might get Oniontchi, then taking the best possible care of it fulfilling it's body and heart needs might lead you to a Mimitchi.

Don't try and take the best possible care of Marutchi to get Young Mimitchi because it can't evolve from Marutchi. It is impossible. Your best bet is to concentrate on getting Oniontchi if you want Mimitchi that badly, but hey Mametchi is a really good character too :angry:

I think once your tama evolves to the next stage, it's a fresh start. But i'm not entirely sure on that one!


hope this helps you and good luck on getting your Mimitchi :lol:

Thanks a million meef !!! Your reply answered all my questions and I really appreciate it.

I now have a much better idea of how the different characters work. I guess now I must decide whether I want to go for ichigotchi to get memetchi or to go for oniontchi to get mimitchi. Since I have two tamagotchis, I think I'll try both. I'll probably end up with two tarakotchi again! :)

Thanks again! :D

You're awesome Meef!

Do you know the answers to any of the questions I posted in my previous thread titled "More questions from Tamamster." Its in this same section on the same page.

I hope you can help. Thanks :p

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