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Dec 20, 2007
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okay theres this girl in our class and lets just say she smells like an old french fry.My mom says some of the girls in our class should group up and go to the nurse and tell her about her and ask if she could talk to the girl about hygene.I'm not trying to be mean but something has to be done for the sake of our breathing! Very often she sits by me in social studies and science because in those classes you can sit where you want and I think how did I deserve this? I'm trying not to be mean! I'm one of those nice smeeling girls with cool clothes(not to brag!) but I do not know why she likes me.

any suggestions on how to make this girl take a bath???? :D

p.s i am in the 6th grade B)

Well..maybe she is poor or something is happenging at home? you never know! if you really hate it just confirm the teacher about it. But before class lol


Well..maybe she is poor or something is happenging at home? you never know! if you really hate it just confirm the teacher about it. But before class lol
thanks i might try that :D

You are in grade 6, if you went to my school you would learn about taking care of yourself, hopefully you learn about it too, just give her sometime. =)

Psh, you think that's bad! [i'm in the 6th grade too, btw]

There's this girl in my class and well she smells horrible! It's like a combination of cheese and old fish food! Everyone in our school talks about the way she smells, and apparently she still doesn't know! It's really nasty, but she is really a nice girl, not that it makes any difference. It's just really nasty!

Maybe you could try telling her nicely without saying that she smells about the importance of showering on a regular basis and using deoderant.

Maybe for her birthday she should buy her a bar of soap and a rubber duckie.
Lol! You know, that's actually a really good idea. There are these special packages that older girls like to receive. You know how they have a really fresh smelling soap, a poofy washing thingy, and like a lotion and stuff. You could get her one of those.

okay theres this girl in our class and lets just say she smells like an old french fry.My mom says some of the girls in our class should group up and go to the nurse and tell her about her and ask if she could talk to the girl about hygene.I'm not trying to be mean but something has to be done for the sake of our breathing! Very often she sits by me in social studies and science because in those classes you can sit where you want and I think how did I deserve this? I'm trying not to be mean! I'm one of those nice smeeling girls with cool clothes(not to brag!) but I do not know why she likes me.
any suggestions on how to make this girl take a bath???? :huh:

p.s i am in the 6th grade :mellow:
Dido I have the same problem...I got used to it...

Maybe, (not to be mean) say the spot is reserved even though it's not. I had a problem like that. There was this girl named Christine and she used to smell. She was one of the "good students." But I got through it. She moved school. I think she was poor. But, we had assigned seats, so, she didn't sit next to me.

Maybe you should make up an excuse to sit somewhere else. That's what I did when I had to sit next to som,eone who I HATE.

You should tell her as a freind or buy her some bath wash and or body spray.

p.s. I'm a 6th grade too

p.s.Try to be nice about it B) :angry: :angry: ^_^

sometimes the girl smells like bar soap so she must wash sometimes but it doesn't help her smell she just smells bad with a coating of bar soap but she must not wash often because I don't smell it on her alot.

I had the same problem but he was a boy and he wore a nappy cuz i pooped his pants all the time

(at least he was concerpated).I think she just smells because she must do something before skool

and gets all dirty and smells?who knows!

(I'm in 6th grade too now)

I had the same problem but he was a boy and he wore a nappy cuz i pooped his pants all the time(at least he was concerpated).I think she just smells because she must do something before skool

and gets all dirty and smells?who knows!

(I'm in 6th grade too now)
good thinking.

Hmm, well you could just let her know that she the nicest way possible though. Suggest that she buy body spray or body wash, suggest she take a shower. You could go to the nurse and let her know, if you don't want to be mean and straight forward. As for me, I'd just let the chick know that she stinks and she needs to buy herself some body spray or body wash or that she take a shower or something and if she doesn't have money, I'd offer to buy it for her..but that is just me and I'm straight forward about things.

Hmm, well you could just let her know that she the nicest way possible though. Suggest that she buy body spray or body wash, suggest she take a shower. You could go to the nurse and let her know, if you don't want to be mean and straight forward. As for me, I'd just let the chick know that she stinks and she needs to buy herself some body spray or body wash or that she take a shower or something and if she doesn't have money, I'd offer to buy it for her..but that is just me and I'm straight forward about things.
that would be a nice thing to do,thanks!

You could always give her a really nice bottle of perfume for the holidays..or just carry a pouch of herbs in your pocket to cover it up. It isn't exactly polite to meddle to get them to take a bath.

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