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New member
Dec 27, 2009
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Hello everyone, first id like to say sorry if I've posted in the wrong area. But its late at night -.-


I've got some questions that id like other tamagotchi users to help me with.

I owned a tamagotchi years ago im 19 now so It was years ago. They were basic and so cute, now I've recently got the v6 music star and its all confusing for me.


Question one :

My tama has hatched and passed the baby stage, its a 'toddler' and its kinda ugly haha but I love it the same, but its sleeping a lot and being naughty eg: not doing as its told. I've gave it 'time out' will it grow out of this?


Question two:

I want to go to sleep, my tama is currently snoozing zZz but ill still be asleep when it wakes up. Is it better to pause it while your sleeping? Or will it be OK to defend for itself until I am awake?


Question three:

I don't own a computer (currently using my mobile to post)

So does that mean my tama won't be able to go to music school and is it limited to what it can do?


Thanks in advance, new user to this site so im once again sorry if I've posted in the wrong area.

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well for question 1

its sleeping alot like...during the day?

maybe you have the wrong time or something for that problem

and if its not doing as its told, under your skill points in the stats area

check how high the stress level is

if its really high then let it play with its toy for a bit

instruments make the stress high, toys lower it


question 2

yes you can leave it to live for that amount of time

if thatr doesnt work then maybe your time is wrong

just fix that and all wil be well


question 3

actually the tamatown for the v6 isnt even so great to me [just an opinion]

but the school part is actually on your tama

miss frill as i hear people call her

will comeand accept your toddler into preschool

same for work and other school

im not shur if there is a school on tama music city

but if there is

you dont HAVE to use it im not shur what you mean by limited so i cant help with that


but i hope this helped =3


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Thanks Shelby.

He has been sleeping properly now. I set the right time to my aussie time and he slept until around 10am.

The door lit up so I clicked it and the teacher came. But then it didn't do anything after that.

He is still been naughty not doing what he is told.

Thanks for your help.

Whitgotchi, what do you mean 'naughty'? If it refuses to eat, it's not hungry. Generally, music stars are fairly mellow and don't require many time outs. I'm about to hatch my 16th generation, and I almost never use the time out function. Do you have more specific details? Oh, and welcome back to the tama life! :wub:

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When I go to do the pratice or play feature he just shakes his head like he is chucking a tantrum.

Tamagotchis have changed a lot since I was younger. Also I've noticed this tama doesn't have a back light? Or am I just been a n00b?

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