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Active member
Aug 29, 2010
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my tama go evolved into a monpatchi a bad care tama but i really want a kuchipatchi when it becomes an adult. but what do you do to get it horrible care,bad care, OK care,good care and perfect care.if you give me an answer detail it alot so others can reference this topic

Nobody really knows how the Tama-Go's growth system is set up yet - some people believe it's the Odd Generation, Even Generation, 5 Care Levels system, which I disagree with. Some of my friends have gotten "bad care" characters from perfect care and "good care" characters from bad care. I believe it has something to do with the Teenagers, like the Tamagotchi-iD.

I'd just take the best care I could and see where that gets me. I hope you get a Kuchipatchi. :)

MONPUTCHI? oh that yellow guy GUES WAAAT! i got a kutchipatchi on my first gen! the characters went, kinotchi, arutchi, ( idk his name! ) kilalatchi than kutchi! goood luck!


I don't think the Tama-go has a generation system but I do think care misses are mostly responsible for what character you get. I also think care misses reset when a toddler becomes a teen. People have gotten perfect care characters from bad care teens. Also I think you can get 1 care miss and still get a perfect care. Other things that might affect the characters is training and friendship.

I read somewhere where someone got a kutchipatchi from perfect care but it's training was only 1/2 full.

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