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Kuro rocks!

Well-known member
Jun 7, 2012
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Behind u he he
I have a Mametchi on my music star :D and he is 5 :D I keep setting the time to 12:29 and 4:29 and waiting a minute but the only guy that comes is the mail man.!!!!! :p :p :p :p


Do u have to have pro debut? :eek: :huh:

Your Mametchi is not yet at the marrying age. I'm pretty sure the age is 6 for the Music Star. And no, they don't have to have Pro Debut.

I can't remember whether the setting-the-time-to-11:59 PM-and-waiting-till-midnight trick works on the V6, but give it a try until the age meter says age 6, then try again. It may take a few tries. ;)

But last genoration mine was 5 and i set the time to 12:29 waited a minute and it got married to a Dorotchi!!!

But last genoration mine was 5 and i set the time to 12:29 waited a minute and it got married to a Dorotchi!!!
This time your Tamagotchi might be different. Try what Dazzmina said, and be patient! Personally, I think that things like this vary from generation from generation, much like people in their similarities and differences. Try her tips now, and if it doesn't happen, wait another day and try again.

I think regardless of what age your V6 tama may be, the matchmaker will come at the right time. It will come no matter how early or late; so there's no need to be afraid. ;)

you are wrong Dazzmina the age is 5 my tamagotchi got two requests of marrige today one a togetchi and one a tarakotchi and mine is 5 today, and Kuro it is pretty random the manager should come with a mate not on his normal time to drop off money. Don't worry the matchmaker will always come when your tamagotchi is ready. I am not sure about this but it might have a little bit to do with becoming pro debut. Mine became pro debut at age 3 the day after it turned into an adult, and got it's marrige proposals really early in the day, but regardless the case whether pro debut or not the matchmaker WILL come for you I promise.

This time your Tamagotchi might be different. Try what Dazzmina said, and be patient! Personally, I think that things like this vary from generation from generation, much like people in their similarities and differences. Try her tips now, and if it doesn't happen, wait another day and try again.
you are wrong Dazzmina the age is 5 my tamagotchi got two requests of marrige today one a togetchi and one a tarakotchi and mine is 5 today, and Kuro it is pretty random the manager should come with a mate not on his normal time to drop off money. Don't worry the matchmaker will always come when your tamagotchi is ready. I am not sure about this but it might have a little bit to do with becoming pro debut. Mine became pro debut at age 3 the day after it turned into an adult, and got it's marrige proposals really early in the day, but regardless the case whether pro debut or not the matchmaker WILL come for you I promise.
Thnx I think your both right Before I went to bed last night I set the time to the real worlds. So at either 12:30 or 4:30 Derick will get married :D
you are wrong Dazzmina the age is 5 my tamagotchi got two requests of marrige today one a togetchi and one a tarakotchi and mine is 5 today, and Kuro it is pretty random the manager should come with a mate not on his normal time to drop off money. Don't worry the matchmaker will always come when your tamagotchi is ready. I am not sure about this but it might have a little bit to do with becoming pro debut. Mine became pro debut at age 3 the day after it turned into an adult, and got it's marrige proposals really early in the day, but regardless the case whether pro debut or not the matchmaker WILL come for you I promise.
As Kuchipatchi said, the marrying age varies. I haven't played with a V6 in a while so I thought the set marrying age was 6, but it turns out that it can be 5 OR 6. ;)

As Kuchipatchi said, the marrying age varies. I haven't played with a V6 in a while so I thought the set marrying age was 6, but it turns out that it can be 5 OR 6. ;)
Ok so By the time it reaches 4:00 o clock heer Derick will be 6. Which means the band manegar should bring him a mate at 4:30 :D :D :D :D :D :D
Your Tama doesn't NEED pro debut to get married; Sometimes the matchmaker takes a very long time to show up, and sometimes she comes *snap* right away.

The best advice is just to be patient; You could set the time 27 times a day and she still might not show up. She'll come eventually- hey, there have to be TONS of other people waiting for her to come, right? ;) She's a very buys person!

Don't worry Kuro The matchmaker will come without it being pro debut. If you are really worried you need to be pro debut Max out its music points and do street performances. That is the best way to be pro debut.

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