Helpful Hints to keep your tama yours


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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2006
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United States
[SIZE=14pt]This works![/SIZE]

1. If you want to play with your tama in class, wear a hooded sweatshirt, than you can play your tama in your front pocket.

2.Try to NEVER play games in class, you look down too much.

3. If you have a strict teacher, just leave the tama in your locker.

4. Leave your tama in your locker for gym also.

5.If you really want to play, when you are reading, put the book in your lap and your tama in the book.


7. Try not to pause your tama if you want it to grow quickly.

8. If you really don't want to be caught, don't bring the tama to class, just leave it in your locker.

9. Never bring your tama to art class! It can get paint or something on it.

10. If you are running to a class, hold the keychain part of your tama, it makes a lot of noise!

11.Sit in the back if you really want to play.

12. Never bring your tama to study hall, (If yours is silent like mine) teachers get suspicious if all you are doing is looking at your lap.

13. Never do anything extremely important!


I hope you enjoy these tips!

Please Reply!!!

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Why would it matter if you are in high school or not? If you mean lockers, it's really just different in all schools. I've had lockers since 4th grade!

Anyways, nice tips! But my school banned Tamagotchis last year, we weren't allowed to have anything electronic. But I think we're allowed to bring them now.

same here. they unfairly banned them in the middle of fourth grade, and everyone was having fun with them. good tips, but nothing you said is like my school. we dont pick a seat every time, no lockers, and we dont worry over staying outside the hall and running to class because we keep books in our desk, pack what we need in the morning, and go when the bell rings. and no dressdown every day. we gotta wear stinkin uniforms... :D :) nice tips though! :D

These are awesome tips, nice job. :) We don't have lockers or study halls here (I live in England), but the others are still really good. :D


cool tips. i dont get a locker till grade 9 so i have to wait ANOTHER year until i get one. but the school uniform has really huge pockets so i think even when i hav a locker it can live in there and i'll look after it between classes.

I live on an island next to Australia,(NOT TASMANIA),New Zealand.We don't EVER have lockers, not even in Junior High or High School.We don't even keep our bags in class. :) :angry:

I live in Australia. We have tubs under our tables until forth grade. Then we get proper lockers (but they don't lock, they just have wooden doors) Some schools keep the tubs, though. In high school we get lockable lockers.

Do teachers really care that much?

Mine don't, in fact they ask to play.

:huh: Maybe I'm just lucky.

[H A V E A W O N D E R F U L D A Y] :angry:

Numbers 3 and 8 are kinda the same. But other wise , it it pretty great. I think you did a superb job , actually. Well done .

awesome tips! i bring my tama to school all the time :lol: . o yeah if u wanna connect with a friend... who's also a girl/boy, :) you can connect in the bathroom or during recess... make xur you dont go at the same time or else you'll get weird looks! :( :huh:

I'm in Australia, and I just moved into middle school (Year 7,8 and 9 [ I'm in year 8]). Unfortunately, our school doesn't have lockers OR tubs under our desk. Guess that means pockets. Thanks for the tips though! :) :lol: :huh:
