Hey Im New


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hey welcome to tamatalk....its a great place to b alaothugh there are a very few ppl who r not nice,....everyone here basically is nice though

i'll b glad to help u with any question that i can answer and b free to post any questions so forth or comments in the forums

u've joined one of the best tama sites ever! :huh: :huh:

enjoy your times here to the fullest

p.s. im 13 female n i have 3 connection V1 (version 1) n gettin 2 V2s (version 2) in the summer :huh: cant wait

o n i'll b glad to b your buddy :huh:

hope you have a great time on this site! Its great fun. I have 2 version 2 tamagotchis and 1 version 1 tama! :)

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