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Apr 12, 2007
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Hey. I am Tamagirl_Desy's brother, and I don't know why I joined. I guess it's because of her nagging.

Now, let's get one thing clear. I do NOT like tamagotchis. I dispise them. I am not EIGHT, but I do realise that lots of adults and stuff like 'em. Not me. I'm 15, Tgd's 11. Age difference means the world.


So whatever. Hope this website turns out to be as good as Tgd says it's gonna be (but I doubt so).

Heyyy bro bro! xDD Are you liking the site?

Probably not, because I know how much you hate tamagotchis. But still. You're sure to make friends ( :( I don't know if you care though).

Where did you get your username? I was going to choose your username as "PinkRainbow" but your lucky I let you choose your own. Ta ta. See you on the fourms.


Very funny Steph. I laughing so hard milk is coming out of my nose. HAHHHA! See how hard I'm laughing? *please note there was a use of sarcasm in that sentance*

Please note I express my opinions, ok? I have strong opinions, and I'm not afraid to share them. Sooo if I say something you disagree with, so? Leave my post alone.

That's fine. It's good to let it out, right? Tgd had a brother? Wow. She never told me that. And she's one of my TT friends too. Anyway, please try to enjoy your time on TamaTalk even though you despise Tamagotchis.

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