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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2008
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My tamagotchis :

shelltchi : Brandy Jr. (her moms name is Brandy)

korokotchi : Tyler

ichigotchi : and the sad thing is I can not remember this ones name

mamapatchi : Brandy

papamametchi : Brad (please dont pm me asking why I did not do Jr. for the boy like I did for the girl, it was my choice and no matter how dumb you think it is that is just my dumb choice)

So as you can see these are second generation and soon (because they are teens) they will be able to get on the dating show and also get married. Now my fave tamagotchi ( I know that some people say that it is not right to pick faves but...) is the ichigotchi ( :D ). I have a cycle going. Really the tamagotchis have a cycle going : Everytime that a mother has a baby she has two of the same gender and one of the other gender (ie: boy,boy,girl or girl,girl,boy). As a pattern that is regular I have found the way that I will plan the marriges of my tamagotchis : the only gender of a batch will get married (the underlined gender is the ine to get married) (ie: boy,boy, girl or girl,boy,girl. So anyway if you have second generation v5 pm me me!!!! And remember

Hey its me again!!!!!!!!!!!

So I have some exciting news... I got my tamagotchi a girls dresser. Oh wait let me start from the start...OK so my tamagotchis grew from teens to adults. And now my tamagotchis are Potechi,Mukugetch, and (this is where the whole thing about the girls dresser comes in) Makiko. Now I dont know if that is a rare character or anything but I do know that I am going to keep it. I g2g my computer is messing up will post soon.

Ok so sorry that I cut the last post short but lets start from the start. Ok so back to what I was saying...well after using the girls dresser my watatchi turned into a makiko. Now back to what I was saying about the whole rare character I dont know if that is what it is but I am determined to find out. Right now they are sleeping. I think that I am going to brake the cycle and let the makiko mate instead of the Mukugetchi because I really dint know how I raised a makiko. If you have any info on the type of tamagotchi that it is please pm me so that I will know. Today was eventful. I woke up with a fever of 102 and so I got to stay home from school and play with my tamagotchis all day long. I had a doctors appointment at 4:15 eairlier today and it turned out that I have strep throat. I know that if I have strep I should not be typing I should be trying to nurse myself to normal health and I should try to think about the tamagotchis to make me feel better. Well the sad fact is that the tamagotchis are the ones giving me the headaches. I took a nap and I caught my tamagotchis just in time befor they left so I was able to take care of them. I turned of the sound and that did not help matters because I had to keep cheking on them for their health. So I ended up putting both my v5 and v4.5 to sleep. When they woke up I was furious at the v5 because it still could not do the dating show. So I found out that I need to let it sleep from 12:00 am to 9:00 am for the whole 48 hours thing to be over with. So anyway I am so bored and my dad just went to get food from subway so that is really why I am typing. My mom is so mad because she could not find her keys for a year because my dad left them at blockbuster she went to get them today man was she fuming!!!! :blink: Well this is all I feel like typing for now so bye.



I think that my throat is getting better. So back to the main topic:tamagotchis. So good news:my tamagotchi is now 3rd generation. I was able to get on the tamagotchi dating show today and so I got my boy (read other post because I can not spell his name) married and now his whole family is 3rd generation. So I was wondering...is there some way to look at the past people that you have taken care of like v4.5 because I want to look at the other tamagotchis that I have raised like I can do on the v4.5 and everytime that I press memory it wont let me. So if you have any advice of you know the reason why the tamagotchi v5 wont do that it would be helpful!!! So anyway I get to wear my boots (and I mean my good boots) today because after my sisters asket ball game we are coming back home so she can shower then we are going to go to grandma's supprise party. She is turning 60. And you know she is still not on a cane. Well I g2g bye-bye.

Ok so my tamagotchis tuned into teens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And my v4.5 boy had a baby. So back to my v5... ok I will talk later my computer is messing up I can barley type.

Ok so my dad had to debug the computer but at least I can type now. I just want to thank everyone who veiwed this page becasue now I have only over 50 veiws. Thank-you. So anyway my tamagotchis are doing great they are 3rd generation teens now and I think that I need to mix up my patterns because again I have shelltchi,korokotchi,ichigotchi,and as far as the family is concernd I have papa-one min. I need to feed my tamagotchis *waits 2 mins* sorry that it was one more min then 1 min. Ok so anyway back to what I was saying I have a family of (well I already said the kids (teens) and I am not going to repeat my self so here goes the adults) papapatchi,and mamametchi. I want to get a pure family but I dont know how. And all I have ever gotten all 3 of thoes generations was blended family so you can imagine that I am pretty hot. Today we dont have school and I am so happy because it is staff deveolopment (I know I spelled it wrong) today!!!!!!!!!!!! I came up with a tamagotchi cheer: L-e-t-s g-o lets go, lets go L-e-t-s g-o spells lets go!!!! Hurry up and grow l-e-t-s g-o!!!!!!!!!! Ok so that is my cheer. I have a little pda thing and I can connect and disconnect wires to make things work so I had to reverse the way that the current was flowing so that it would play music. Well my fave song is on I talk 2 U l8t3r
