Hi I'm Tama_girl3000


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Well-known member
Jul 16, 2005
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Hi, I'm Tama_girl3000 and if you have not guessed, I'm new, I am really happy to be hee and I cant wait to participate in a group hatching, right now (16/7/05) my Tamagotchi is called Sonic, he is a toddler and a Marutchi, it is the 1st Tamagotchi game that I have understood, I have Tamagotchi connection v.2. anyway, nice to meet you all!


P.s. Sonic says hi!

Yeah! sure I wanna be friends, by the way, thansk for your help with Sonic, he has started playing games with me now, whats your current tamagotchi called, gosh, I sound really hyper, I'm not like that at all in ral life, I'mthe sad little year seven in highschool, sat at the back of the room, oogleing over the fittest guy in the calss and doing rubbish in maths (but unlike the storys, the boy will not fall for me, I will never get better grades and I will never have friends in school...and my best friend is a Tamagotchi...)

hahahaha! I sure know how to kill the mood for fun, I'm sorry I'll stop being so shallow and thinking of myself, so...LETS BE FRIENDS!!!

Current Tamagotchi: Robotchi

Name: Raven.

The one who hatched out of the egg was Mason. But basically, He is a great-great-great-great-great tamagotchi grandfather! Cause the one after that, had a baby and blah blah blah. Anyways, Your welome for the advice!

dont worry, I'm no spammer, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, oh! alls those 'ha's' might look like spamming, oh great :wacko:

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