Hi umm im new could a tamaguide show me around?


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Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
hi umm i was wondering if a tamaguide could help me around? if u can could u pm me or write a replie?


Angelgotchi from tamatalk


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Hey!! Im not a guid but i know where some stuff is if u want me show u around!!

Hello Angelgotchi/TT and Welcome.

Hope you enjoy yourself.

You really don't need a Tama Guide to show you around! Navigating the site is very easy - you've already made a post, so that's no problem!

Just mooch around the various sections and read some of the topics.

If you know an answer, post a reply - people really appreciate your input and we all benefit from sharing info.

If you have a question just go to the Help for New Tama Owners section and post it there - someone is bound to answer soon!

But a word of advice - this is a forum - not a chat room, so don't expect answers instantly, be patient, you don't need to post them again if you don't get a reply straight away.


Best, etc.

u now what, im new 2 but i dunno where very much stuff is anyway!

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