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Sep 15, 2007
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help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...IM NEW HERE SO HELLLLLLLLLLLLLP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. What do you need help with????

2. Please don't make 2 topics for the same thing, just give it time and people will respond. It just wastes space here. :)

~Kuchi~ :D

^^ I will be glad to help out. But first, may you tell me what you need help with?

can you tell me what you want help with and i will try my best to help you.

Hi! Welcome to TamaTalk, I'd be glad to help. If you need help navigating and using tama talk, you can PM me. But, there is an easier way (click the link): A User's Guide to Tama Talk This has all you'll need! If you need help with a specific problem, any of the members here would be happy to help! Enjoy TT!
-tulip- :angry:
Well done! I don't think I could have put it better myself! However I think this topic could be in the wrong place! :D

I will report this. Feel free to PM me or anyone else you think can help you and ask them. Also use the link provided by tulip978 above for the guide.

ST :)

Haay and welcome!

I'm also a bit new but I didn't introduce myself actually.

Well my name is Eline and I have a v3 tama. I now have Nikatchi but I would like to have debatchi.

Maybe you could help me. There should be a way to get debatchi

talk to you later!

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