Hi! :]


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Active member
Feb 13, 2011
Reaction score
Hello TamaTalk!

I'm nineteen, English and have loved Tamagotchis since they first came out in the 90's and my mum bought a Dinky Dino for my 7th birthday, believing it was a Tamagotchi (bless her). Since the return of Tamagotchis in the 2000's I've bought two v3's, both of which are hidden somewhere in my room at home - alas I can't get to them as I am in university ;__;

I also thoroughly enjoy anime, manga and being ridiculously sociable :] maybe it's a good thing I currently don't have any Tamas, as I'm sure I'd lose them immediately...

I have lots more I could tell but I shall not bore you any further! :D

Yay, another vintage enthusiast! Welcome to TamaTalk! So glad you could join us here. :) If you haven't already done so, be sure to check out the site guidelines and please do ask questions should they come up. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Hello and welcome to TamaTalk! If you need any help their is plenty of staff members who can help! If you want to read some useful tips then visit the guildlines ! Hope that you will enjoy yourself on here! Good luck :)
