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Sep 7, 2005
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Hi. My name is Jamie. I'm 17 and am totally blind. I read braille. Some of my favorite things to do are reading, listening to music, watching movies, playing with my dog, and playing with my cousin. My favorite books to read are Caroline Kene. I also like to make new friends.

Jamiethe Harry Potter series, The Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket, and books by :angry:

Hi! Tama Talk is a GREAT place! I feel bad for you..... it must me hard being blind..... I'm sure that you will find some friends here, though! :angry:

:mellow: Wow.......No offense but I never new blind people could use computers. Anyway, I'll be your friend! :wub:
hi ill be your friend as well :D but don't click on space boys suprise and also how can you read the messages on the screen :D just wondering :( ;) :D :wub: :mellow: :D :D

I never new blind people could use computers.
Hey Jamie. Welcome. :lol:

OT: Spaceboy, you'd be surprised. I have a friend who is blind, she spends all day on a pc. She has a special character recognition software on her pc. It reads outloud what is on screen. It's an amazing program. Called 'Jaws' ( https://www.freedomscientific.com/fs_produc...ftware_jaws.asp ). :) She is even able to play basic PC games like Grand Prix. ;) Welcome to the 21st century!

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welcome to tamatalk, jamie :) i hope you enjoy yourself here!

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