Hiya! I highjacked my son's tamagotchi


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
May 6, 2007
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Yes, I'm afraid it's true! My 7 year old son begged for a Tamagotchi when we went to Toys R Us a couple months back. I tried to talk him out of it, since, from the package, it looked a bit too "involved" for a 7 year old to follow along with. Nothing doing, it was his birthday money that he was spending, so I let him get it.

Of course, I was right. After reading the directions and trying to explain it to him, I showed my son how to pause the tamagotchi, and it stayed on pause for the LONGEST time! (I think a big reason for this was that his egg hatched into a GIRL! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, as every self respecting 7 year old boy would feel)

Well, I ignored it, too. After all, Moms have more important things to do than play with little electronic pets. Things like laundry! It was on laundry day when I was policing No. 1 Son's room for socks that escaped the hamper (somehow) that I came across the little Tamagotchi, forlornly sitting under the bed. I wrestled it from a dust bunny and started playing around.

Now I'm here, with my Tamagotchi, all grown up and waiting for the Matchmaker. We all still say she belongs to my son, though. :furawatchi:

Oh thats funny! But welcome! If you need a friend than come on and PM me!

Welcome to the site. If you have any questions, pm me. You don't have an avatar, so if you want one, go to iconator or avatarmagic.com. Those might help. ;)

Matchy :wacko:

welcome to the site! Now that we have a mature parent figure here that maybe can talk some sense into some of teh kids >_>

xD! Nice & Funny intro!

My mum isn't into tamagotchi's.. or that I know of atleast xD!

Welcome to TamaTalk!


Welcome to TamaTalk. I know a few moms who have ended up adopting their childrens' Tamagotchis. At first they claim "the kids can't take them to school, so someone has to look after it during the day", but after a short while: "I spent all day earning points, and then she comes home from school and spends them all!"

Welcome! That's a funny story. I know you're going to love it on TamaTalk. :blink:

welcome to the site! Now that we have a mature parent figure here that maybe can talk some sense into some of teh kids >_>
Ugh, here we go again... ¬_¬

Anyway, welcome to tamatalk! I'm Rey Mysterio, I'm a girl, and I'm 11! Feel free to PM me if you need anything! ^_^

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