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Pippy was running out of a person's house in Mauville city, trying to dodge the items being thrown at him by an extremely angry person who was very upset at Pippy for eating all teh' food in the person's fridge. Pippy turned around and winked at the person. "Thank you for the delicious food! That casserole tasted like pooooop!!" Once out of sight, Pippy sat down in a bush and then got hungry again. "I'm hungry.."

(Um, Celadon City's restaurant in HG/SS?)

Nolle was hovering around the Pretty Petal Flower Shop from a distance. She moved towards the window, only to find out that no one was there and locked. No problem. She just went right through the window and caused mass destruction. smashing ceramic pots on the ground, knocking down selves, and breaking the cash register. Nolle then proceeded to go through the window again.

“ 'Sup, Clodagh, let's go play with Sky!” said Ginta playfully.

“Let's play the Frying Pan game!” said Clodagh in her cheerful voice.

Clodagh lied down on the floor and started zigzaging in place.

“... Umm, Bacon?”


“Eww, who would eat something like THAT?”

“A fat Clefairy I saw on my way here.”

Ginta started rolling on the floor laughing. [ROFLing]



Appearance: Tess has black hair that looks egyptian . She has bright purple eyes and freckles. She wears black tight jeans and purple high-top converse with a star on the side of the shoe. She wears a baggy purple sweater with a black shirt underneath. She usually has neon purple headphones around her neck (cordless).


Personality: She is very smart and shy. She seems to be very quiet, but that is because you don't know her. She can be loud but that is only when you have known her for a long time, only her Jynx knows hows she really acts.

Pokemon:'Jynx -female, named: Valkyrie-

Crush: None (Yet :furawatchi: )

Other: Tess and Valkyrie have a great bond, they met when Tess lived in Jhoto 2 years ago. Since then Tess has evolved Valkyrie from a Smoochum to a Jynx. Tess used to live in Jhoto as a shop keeper with her parents. She had a habit of leaving her duty as a shop attendant to go play with the psychic Pokemon around the area. She learned how to read minds and control objects, since then she has become a "Psychic" by gym leader Sabrina. Sabrina now has many psychics around the world, all of which had lived around psychics or psychic Pokemon.

Matt was running to mauville pokemon center when he tripped on a small twig and landed face first and unconscious in a bush. When he woke up he saw a clefairy in front of him "Where am I and Who are You????" He seemed to have a little amnesia anyway he got up and looked at his belt. "What are these red balls" He said as he poked his pokeballs Curiously his Dragonite popped out in front of him. "ahhhg what are you and what do you want" He said as he walked backwards and tripped on his charizard who happened to be right behind him "WHAT ARE THESE MONSTERS!!!!!!" He screamed And ran into the pokecenter. "AHHHGGG There are two dragons outside ones red and with a flame on its tail and the other is fat and yellow with whiskery ears" he screamed as he without realizing insulted his Dragonite and all other dragonite's.

(Dango, you are accepted.)

Pippy, noticing Matt wasn't looking at his bag, quickly stole some food out of Matt's bag. Not hesitating, he quickly snuck off, running as fast as he could with the food. He tried to flee up a tree, but well... He ended up crashing headfirst into the tree.

Ethan, on the other hand, was actually in the mood for pokemon battling. He beat the crud out of a Youngster, who ran off crying after his level 20 Zigzagoon got massacred by Ethan's Typhlosion. Realizing all the trainers around the Route connecting Mauville and Verdanturf were weak, he gave up and went fishing in a pond instead.

As for Sky, Sky silently watched as Ginta and Clodaugh talked. That was when a strange trainer appeared, and this guy DEFINITELY did not look like a friendly trainer. Quickly turning to Ginta and Clodaugh, Sky spoke in poke speak to them urgently. "Okay, sorry, Ginta, and err... Clodaugh, but I'm getting outta here for now. This guy looks like a Pokemon Trainer, the kind that has 500 empty pokeballs. See ya guys later.. We can meet in Mossdeep City later, maybe." Sky was gone the next moment, high up in the sky, flying away.

(BTW, Sky's moveset: Fly (Shaymin doesn't actually learn in real games, but then in Explorers of Sky, he can fly, so..), Energy Ball, Seed Flare and Earth Power (Learn by tutor in HG/SS) For everybody else, make sure your movesets are actually legit ones with moves they can actually learn.)

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"C'mon Clodagh, let's go!"

Ginta flew up high in the air, and the strings hanging down from Clodagh were wrapped around Ginta's ears. Clodagh, although she could drift with the wind, was unable to fly very fast, she didn't have winds. Just like a balloon in the wind, hopeless...

After a long flight, Ginta's wings finally got tired.

"That was fun, but I think we should go back to Mossdeep City. Clodagh, navigations?"

"Hee hee! We are currently STRAIGHT ABOVE Mount Pire, see that brown thing with grass growing on it? Okay, we go straight east, and we should we there."

"Oh, I could recognize Mossdeep ANYWHERE from here! Let's land!"

Ginta started to land. "Yay, we're HERE!"

Clodagh started giggling.

Nolle floated towards Rustboro City. As she went towards the city, she felt tired and hovered over the fence. She closed her eyes in between the trees to the left of the opening of Rustboro. As she was sleeping, she thought about what pranks to do in Rustboro City. Nolle just decided to pull people's hair out just like any other Misdreavus.

Sky saw Ginta and Clodaugh decent toward him. "Hey guys! Where were you? I've been here for 10 minutes now!" He closed his eyes and took a deep breath of sea air. This is why he loved Hoenn so much. Hoenn was mostly sea, which meant that the salty smell of sea air was just about everywhere. The smell of the sea relaxed Sky.

Tess got off the S.S. Aqua and looked around. She had just docked in Petalburg and already missed home. "Valkyrie, dad said to break away from johto... do you think he was right... it's so-" she stopped and thought for a second "Different, I mean where are all the stantlers and smoochum?" she asked Valkyrie "Jynx Jynx!" Valkyrie said "I know it's a different place but still." Tess wandered around for a bit in Petalburg and saw many new Pokemon. She pulled out her Pokedex and got about 12 new Pokemon for her Hoenn-Dex.

Tess ran into the forest where she and Valkyrie sat down and lifted rocks up from the ground, and as they did so a little green headed Pokemon with no eyes swaddled by. Then after the little Pokemon came a taller more ballerina like Pokemon. She pulled out her Pokedex and scanned the Pokemon. "Ralts the Feeling Pokemon, If its horns capture the warm feelings of people or Pokémon, its body warms up slightly." She was very intrigued of this Pokemon. She then scanned the taller one. Kirlia the Emotion Pokemon, If its Trainer becomes happy, it overflows with energy, dancing joyously while spinning about." She was really excited, Pokemon so heartfelt! Then the 'mother' came by to protect her 'children', She was a very pretty Pokemon, maybe more then her beloved Jynx. "Whats this Pokemon!?" She scanned it. "Gardevoir the Embrace Pokemon, To protect its Trainer, it will expend all its psychic power to create a small black hole." Tess smiled and lifted some berries from the bush towards the three emotion Pokemon. Ralts one and so did Kirlia, they both enjoyed, Gardevoir being their mother only ate after her children. She seemed to like it. "I am a good trainer, I swear" Tess said hoping they wouldn't suck her into a black hole or something.


Name: Damien

Age: 12

Appearance: Damien has Very Black Hair with a barely noticable blue streak through it, he has red eyes but with a close examination you can see little orange lines near the pupils which look like flames. He Always wears a red Hoodie, jeans and a red and Black hat.

Gender: male

Personality: His apperance may make people think he has a stone cold heart but inside he is very caring towards his pokemon and to other close friends, but he is very shy when speaking to strangers.

Pokemon: A beginner Mudkip, and a Mystery Egg (given to him by his deceased granmother)

Crush: None

Other(Brief History, Hobbies, Region from, etc): He has always lived in Slateport City, His GrandMother has traveled the world so Damien does not know who or what is in the egg. Damien is arachnephobic ( Has a fear of spiders ) and his hobbie is reading Books

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(Accepted.. Mudkipchi, what I have noticed however, is that you and KuroMametchi Rocks both tend to capitalize the wrong letters at times. Please try to fix that as both of you post)

"Sorry, we flew around for fun for a while. However, I think we can play the Frying Pan game now!" said Clodagh in her squeaky, cheerful voice.

Ginta started jumping on the floor. "What am I?"

"A squash!"

"No, I'm a jumping spider!"

Ginta x Clodagh:

Ben was lying in the Pokemon center bedrooms (Appears in the anime a lot) having nightmares of his charizard and dragonite. "What are they Who are they What do they want???" He kept on repeating as his Pokemon stared at him through the window. Matt started poking his pokeballs again as the rest of his team where released. They kept on trying to convince matt they weren't monsters and that charizard and dragonite werent either. "Yes they are" he kept on saying

to him self

( -_- Sigh.. Do I need to remind you to use periods and commas as well or something? KuroMametchi-Rocks, this is your final warning for the Literacy rule.)

Sky watched them, a faint look of amusement on his face. He wondered how his buddies back in Sinnoh were doing. Hopefully, alright. The same went to all of his buddies in Johto and Kanto. He hadn't been to Unova yet since it was farther away from his homelands.

"Hey! Hey Sky! How about you be a Frying Pan food!" said Clodagh in her obnoxiously high voice.

"Yeah, Sky, you be a food!" shouted Ginta, twirling around.

"Yay!" they all said together.

Clodagh started swinging her hearts at Ginta's face.

"HEY! Stop it!" said Ginta with a playful growl. "Or I'm taking a piece of gold!"


Clodagh and Ginta continued to be a nuisance. (lol.)

(Runner, sometimes I shall use the 3DS to make posts, and sometimes I will make major typoes, as well. I'm sorry if this will happen but just letting you know so I don't get banned D:)

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Ok long story short, ten year old genius abused in grade Three, became home-schooled and had his love for reading and maths ruined, started role-playing to just escape from stress and now there is more stress in the role-playing world then in the real world. And I am SORRY for my bad literature but its not my fault

Ben sat down totally petrified by his pokemon "Leave please, Leave me alone" he screamed

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Nolle woke up from the trees. She proceeded to float next to incoming Trainers waiting for there first badge. When they finally got to the doors of Rustboro City gym, she plucked their hairs and ran towards the trees. She hid until they were no longer in sight of her eyes. She continued to do so until she just bored of it.

(It's k Bunny, and Kuromametchi, well, sorry to hear that, but keep in mind you're the only one with that literature.)

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