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John is the cutest, its him


Also blind!Sollux nngh must draw fanart of this immediately.


I hope Terezi gets to teach him how to see by smell and taste. That will be the cutest thing ever asbnfkdsnadf.



I didn't clue in immediately that Sollux was blind. :////T

Only now do I realize he is.

At first I didn't even realize he was blind. But after his conversation with Terezi...

alive!Aradia. SNDFSKNDF <3333


It makes me sad that everyone just forgot that Equius was Aradia's matesprit and went off all like "> ARADIA: REUNITE WITH SOLLUX"


I was really hoping for a "> Aradia: Reunite with loving matesprit." update but now it just makes me sad.



I really like Equius/Aradia! It's a really cute pairing, even if it comes off as a matespritesis sometimes.


This is going to kill me.

If Jack Noir kills Dad and Mom, John will have to see his Dad's body.

Oh my god no I flipped out when Dave had to find Bro I will break down if John has to find Dad's body.



did Mindfang just have lesbian sex with her slave

Now it's god tier vs science vs sober!juggalo-


Hello ancestor!Gamzee.

Oh my god, Kanaya what did you do to Terezi?! 8(

At least she's okay...

but that flash!


I loved it! ♥


oh my god

oh my god oh my god

I deem Kanaya's new title to be "The glowing, white, groin kicking lesbian vampire".

Thank goodness Kanaya killed that butt head! VIRGOS FTW!!!!!

Even though I love Feferi, Kanaya kicks *ss

^ No!




I'm trying not to believe that happened.

butitwasakick@$$waytodie :3

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