Horrible Care Character on V6


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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2009
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While I was waiting for my chamametchi to evolve I took great care of it and the when it evolved it turned in to Kunoitchi. What happened? Why is it a horrible care character when I took great care of it?

DId you ever left it alone for a minute, did it beep for attention, did it get sick? If any of that happened it could have possibly be the reason, or it could be a care glitch. That sometimes happen if the battery is low, music star's are very glitchy when they have low batteries.

Hope I helped.

If you left it into somewhere, it's horribler than if you get that tama's stress to 99.

I've got Chamametchi and it had two or less hungry/happiness hearts and 99 stress..

It evolves to..


Well, the thing is, that, though you may give it great care (or so you think), it isn't how happy, hungry, stressed, or skilled it is. It's how many times it had to beep for attention as a teen. :)

:huh: maby u left it on and it died idn?
That is obviously not the answer. Their Tama did not die, just evolved into a horrible care character.

The only way I can answer this question;

I really despise the care character thing. I try for OK care, I get great. I try for great care, I get horrible. Thats why now, I just try to take the best care of it every time, and even if its a horrible character, at least you got something different! Thats better than me, who gets Chantotchi and Mametchi EVERY.SINGLE.TIME! :mimitchi:

Good luck!

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