Hotel California


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Well-known member
Aug 31, 2006
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On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair

Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air

Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light

My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim

I had to stop for the night

There she stood in the doorway;

I heard the mission bell

And I was thinking to myself,

"This could be Heaven or this could be Hell"

Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way

There were voices down the corridor,

I thought I heard them say...


Welcome to the Hotel California

Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)

Such a lovely face

Plenty of room at the Hotel California

Any time of year (Any time of year)

You can find it here


Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes bends

She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friends

How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.

Some dance to remember, some dance to forget


So I called up the Captain,

"Please bring me my wine"

He said, "We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine"

And still those voices are calling from far away,

Wake you up in the middle of the night

Just to hear them say...


Welcome to the Hotel California

Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)

Such a lovely face

They livin' it up at the Hotel California

What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)

Bring your alibis


Mirrors on the ceiling,

The pink champagne on ice

And she said "We are all just prisoners here, of our own device"

And in the master's chambers,

They gathered for the feast

They stab it with their steely knives,

But they just can't kill the beast


Last thing I remember, I was

Running for the door

I had to find the passage back

To the place I was before

"Relax, " said the night man,

"We are programmed to receive.

You can check-out any time you like,

But you can never leave! "

As you're traveling, you find a hotel, and needing a rest, you decide to stay for the night. The place is erie, you're somewhere in the middle of California, but nothing else seems to be around. Most walls have mirrors on them. The workers are kind enough, serving you with whatever you want. As you relax and fall asleep, you awaken and prepare to continue on your voyage. But as you check out, you can't leave, some mysterious force is just keeping you in the hotel. The next thing you know, every employee is gone. Only you and the other guests, all in a similar situation. There is a problem though. There seems to be a ghost, haunting and torturing the guests. It can't be seen in mirrors and can just disappear at will. As you try to escape, the doorman's voice echos in your head. "You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave."


All forms must be accepted by me.
Keep it semi-literate.
Keep it PG-13, but at the same time nothing too childish, this is a very seriously toned RP.
No Sues.
Have Fun.

Age (18-21):
Appearance (No anime):
Name: Eliot (Eli) Payne

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: Eli is average weight and height, he's skinny but not very boney, just slim. His messy black hair that goes down to right about his eyebrows is covered in a beanie hat, and for attire he wears ripped jeans and a sleeveless shirt. His eyes are Brown, but can turn green in colder temperatures.

Personality: Eli is a good guy at heart. He tends to make light of every situation he's in and brings a smile to everyones face. That or he just annoys everyone to death. Constantly talking and never shutting up, Eli knows when to put his foot down. He'll fight for what he believes in and will protect his friends. Also he's a huge flirt.


Name: Charlene Sinclair Sculley

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Female

Appearance: It doesn't take more than a single glance to figure out this one’s not completely there. Scathingly vertically challenged at five foot four and weighing only one hundred and twenty pounds, Charlene appears very harmless and young to the majority that set eyes upon her, which couldn't be further from the truth. She's a whopping firecracker ready to slam her effectual fists across your jaw if you sass her the wrong way and she probably trumps unless your something of the unique flavour. Dark lashes frame her blue peepers, complimenting her peaches-and-cream complexion. Her skin's not exactly swarthy in colour but she's never been translucent; not the unusual pigmentation of a sopping piece of wet paper. Her cheeks are a little more shallow, accentuating her prominent cheekbones and full, bowed lips. Thick, long, choppy handfuls of obsidian locks tumble across her forehead and ears. You might've had a weird feeling that she cut it herself but you'd have no way of knowing. It's not exactly horribly done but there's something feral and untamed in the way her layered locks fall, as if they were sheared with dull blades while being in a particularly abstract mood. Un-straightened they curl into ocean waves, revealing a whole different person.

Personality: She is the darkest horse receding at the edge of the herd, barely noticeable but still snorting at every remark she doesn't agree with. Her defence mechanisms are exhausting. Her rough exterior leaves little to be desired. While she may occasionally offer a helping hand, Charlene doesn't stray too far from her comfort zone. Her unwillingness to let people walk through her front door often shuts down any initial thoughts of companionship or acquainted friendship. Best described as a predator, she moves as one, holding a dangerous potential in her movements and attitudes. These are traits that many have tried weaning her away from, to no avail. She's a shot of whiskey doused in cheek-puckering rye. Strong and goes down stinging, burning down your throat. You swear you won't have another. You won't speak with her. But, you do. And she hates you for it. Charlene is not the type of person you would notice right away, not unless you were really looking for her. The less people that notice you, the more you tend to be able to get away with it. That isn't to say that she can't stand out or draw attention to herself if she wants to, her preference simply lies in remaining under the radar. She's not without her imperfections. Beneath that veil is something different, a blossom yet to bloom. The harsh environment of her mother and father made her like this, so she is only a diamond in the rough.

Other: -

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Name: Lane Reddy

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: Lane stands at about five foot six and a half inches and is the definition of petite. Her peaches and cream skin has not a freckle nor pimple with the exception of a small birth mark on her right hip. She has caramel shoulder length hair that naturally forms little ringlets, but she hates her hair so she usually straightens it of puts it in a bun. She has dark blue eyes with very dark thick lashes that are usually hidden by her thick black rimmed glasses, which without she could be considered blind. Her outfits usually consist of anything high waisted and nothing that has a neck lower than her collar bone.

Personality: Lane has OCD, which distracts her from many things as all she sees is the tiny inperfections. She has in her purse hand sanitizer, a comb, floss, latex gloves, and disinfectant spray at all times. Besides her terrible OCD, she is a very sweet and bubbly girl who is very easily excited and quite easy to get along with. Her OCD usually discracts her from seeing some of the good qualities in people, but she tries to be very accepting of people.

Other: Nope

Name: Riley Jones

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Appearance: Riley stands at 5'5 and has a slim but toned build, much to his frustration. He has mid-length brown hair, usually gelled to stick up in what he hopes is an untamed look. It usually isn't. He has dark green eyes, almost brown, and slightly wideset compared to his otherwise narrow face. He is quite tanned, due to all of the time spend outside in sports (which he always wanted to be the captain on, naturally)

Personality: Bossy should be Riley's middle name. He's quick to take the lead is any situation, no matter what other people think about it, and doesn't take kindly when he's booted out of the position or shot down before he can even get started. He thinks that he has a talent for leading a group and can make no wrong decisions, which often causes huge clashes between other people who dare to oppose him. He can get angry very easily and is okay with using aggression to get what he wants, but his height isn't a huge helper here, as someone could easily overpower him to beat him at his own game. He could be a good leader if he tried, though, and if he stepped back from a dictatorial role to listen to people once in a while, he could prove that.

Other: Nah

Sitting on one of the couches in the hotel lobby, a small and but yet, petite female laid upon the ocean of fabric pillows, staring daggers into the ceiling with her icy blue pools. She wore a navy blue sundress spotted with white roses that consisted of different sizes throughout the cloth, with lace decorating the hem of the dress. It was comfortable and snug fit to her lean frame, and topped off with a pair of pearl white flats that could only appear to be a little used. Her raven hair was pulled into a messy bun and two faded pearls hooked into her lobes. Although cute and little like a porcelain doll, her personality had said otherwise for those who took up the challenge to speak with her. Charlene used her elbows to push up into a sitting position, soon moving her peepers around the room as well to acknowledge the presence of anyone else nearby. She let in a sharp breath, and slowly exhaled while switching onto to her stomach to lounge across one of the arms, bringing her face close to one of the many mirrors on the wall. Just like many of the others in this place, she wanted out.

Name: Pandora Heights

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Personality: Pandora is very to herself and doesn't usually enjoy the company of others at all. She is quite clever and cunning. She definitely isn't one to trust someone right away, let alone become friends. You may often find her mumbling to herself or zoning out constantly. She never shows her emotions whatsoever and keeps them hidden away in her own mind. If you can get past all of this and really make an impression on her, she can make a great friend.

Looks: Pandora is short and quite thin. She has light brown hair that falls in large waves just past her shoulders. Her skin is quite pale and lacks any form of a tan. Her eyes are blue. She often just wears a graphic tee and jean shorts along with a pair of old, worn out trainers.

Other: Has never been seen with a smile on her face. Also goes by Panda.

(sorry about my crappy form)


Pandora bit her lip as she sat quietly in a chair in the corner of the lobby. She looked around the room, her gaze fixing momentarily on a small female with raven hair. She sighed, leaning her head back against the chair and closing her eyes. She stayed this way for a minute or two before turning her head to the side and opening her eyes, looking over at the empty reception desk. Sighing once more, she brought her knees to her chest and hugged her arms around her legs.

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Eli glanced around, trying to act and stay calm. He was nervous deep down, he needed a distraction to do. Seeing a girl hugging her legs, looking scared, he slowly walked over. "Uh...hi." he said softly, but confidently. "Are you okay?"

Pandora rolled her eyes and looked over, seeing a new face. She didn't say anything for a moment or two before finally responding. "Well, let's see... I stop by here for one night of rest, I wake up the next morning to find all the staff gone, and I'm unable to leave. In other words, I'm absolutely fantastic." she grumbled quickly.

Eli took a few seconds to respond, thinking what to say. "So you are or aren't okay?" he asked jokingly, knowing the answer but just trying to lighten to mood a bit.

Charlene tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, darting her eyes over to the two talking and back, doing her best as usual to stay under radar. The small female wanted to say something to the others, but refrained from doing so for personal reasons. Sighing, she brought her face up close to one of the mirrors on the walls again, cocking her head off the side and watching her appearance, batting those long lashes edging her icy blue irises with pure curiosity. While doing so, she lifted her chin up and began to hum a soft tune of sweet melancholy, poking her small fingers in his hair to fix it.

Pandora sighed and looked away from Eli. "What do you think?" she asked quietly. "Are you really stupid enough as to not know?" She sighed once more and didn't say anything else. She closed her eyes, mumbling something inaudibly to herself.

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"Well you seem stupid enough to not be able to tell when something is a joke." Eli said quickly, crossing his arms and frowning. "So what's your name?"

Pandora's face didn't change from the usual monotone look that it locked onto ages ago. "I'm not in the mood for joking," she said simply. She paused for a moment, glancing over at Eli. "Pandora."

"But jokes make everything better. You should lighten up a bit." Eli said bluntly, before pausing. "And my name is Eli."

Pandora continued to look at Eli, her eyes briefly flashing with annoyance. "... Nice to meet you, Eli." she said, slight sarcasm shrouding her voice as she spoke.

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