How come?


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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2007
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I just got my V5 a few days ago and I'm just wondering...Is there a way you can make different characters besides the middle one play the games and stuff? I'm only having one do it. :wub:

The middle character on the screen is the only one that will play the built-in games and the only one that will visit TamaExpo (the V5 web site.)

However... if you send the current middle character off to another V5 to be married, one of your other V5 characters will shift into the middle, then s/he will get a turn at the games and visiting TamaExpo. (Note: from 2nd generation and up, it's possible to get randomly 1, 2, or 3 eggs. If you have only one egg, the character it grows into can not be sent off to another V5 to be married.)

Yes, the middle character is the one that does everything. A generation ago, when I still had Mango, Pip and Bibi (before Berry and Chips arrived and Bibi and Pip left) Mango did everything!! (She was in the middle) But now I just have 1 tama on-screen (Chips and Mango's daughter, Berry) she gets to do everything, just like her mother!!! But I was closer to Mango than I was to Pip and Bibi, because she did everything with my, and Pip and Bibi must have felt left out, but I still played with them. And anyway, now that Mango is a full-time parent (with Chips of course) they have kinda stepped out of the limelight and Berry stepped in. Hope this helps! ^_^


Only the middle one gets to do the games and stuff. But if you get your tamas married and play shoe pairs(If married girl) your last tama(If did not married middle) Will play with your new tama. And golf put (If married boy) Your last tama (If did not married middle) Will play with your new tama.

What i meant is if you married your second tama or third (If have three) They can play with threre kids. Wthch meanes they are playing too, but with there kids. Hpoe i hade sense and helped.


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