How did you get into Tamas?


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How did you get into Tamas?

  • A friend/sibling/parent told me/gave me a Tama

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • I just found a Tama in a store and bought it

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • I saw a stranger walking with a Tama and thought "oh that looks cool" and got one

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It was the 1996-2007 Tama craze and I bought one due to that

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • Other (please post!)

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • I can't really remember...

    Votes: 1 4.5%

  • Total voters
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Dec 13, 2009
Reaction score
Don't just answer the poll! Well, I'm going on holiday soon and I'll miss some school, so my parents will probably want me to be home-educated while on holiday. I decided to do a survey on how people got into Tamagotchis. The easiest way is a poll, since it says how many people have selected what, so please asnwer the poll but also post if you wish!

I got into Tamas because it was 2006, near the end of the big Tama craze, I got a purple V4 and I own it to this day! :)

Note: I am recording the results until DECEMBER 26TH/CHRISTMAS DAY and then I will be collecting the results and making a bar chart. Of course, feel free to still vote after that, but your vote won't be recorded. It is NOT a public poll, so I won't know WHO voted, just how many people voted and what they voted for. For example: MeloditchiFan137403 might vote for "A friend told me". I won't know it was MeloditchiFan137403 who voted, but I will know that the "a friend told me" option had one vote. Thank you.

~ Dazzmina ~

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Ah, I remember. It was like 2003 and my brother and sister and I saw the commercial on Nick and HAD to have one. We spent hours making up codes, trying to get into TamaTown, with no success. Finally, we all ended up getting v3's :) .

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ah haha i remember...i wanted one so desperately and everybody had one. my parents got me one and then killed me by saying that i couldn't open it until the last day of school... :angry:

i still play with tamas but get laughed at all the time.... :(

Well, back in 2006 or something, I wanted a dog. My parents said maybe next year and still unsatisfied, I set out for a pet. One of my friends introduced me to the world of Tamagotchi with her v3 and that was the closest thing I could get to a dog. (I am now a happy dog owner. :) )Then, I went to Target and bought a v4 in a green design with flowers on it (Hawaiian Flowers design? I think that's the v2, i'm not sure.It is a v4 though.) And the rest is history! ;)

My mum and dad got my sister and I a V2 each for Christmas '05 and I loved it! It was a Pink Hawaiian Flowers one. I remember my first tama was a girl and her name was Lisa. I raised 5 generations - Lisa, Amber, Halie, Roxie, Bart! - then I reset because Bart! was a boy and back then I didn't want boy tamas (Hey, I was 10). I raised a few more girls and then the buttons started playing up, acting as though "A" was being held down when it wasn't. I press "B" to check the time and it pauses. I finally get it unpaused, I press "C" to get off the health icon, the sound menu comes up, etc. So my mum returned it and I said I wanted a new one. Then there were no V2's left, but they'd stocked V3's so my mum got me one of those. Then my friend and I started bringing our tamas to school, and soon enough, everyone had one!

then I reset because Bart! was a boy and back then I didn't want boy tamas (Hey, I was 10).
That's sort of offensive to me because I'm 10, and I did that when I was eight. Maybe I'm a more mature 10-year-old? Sure I was a REALLY immature eight-year-old, but I've met many mature SIX-year-olds ;)


~ Dazzmina ~

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Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. It's just that's how I was with my tamas when I was 10, now I'm 16, that was 6 years ago.

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During my initial exposure to Tamagotchi and other keychain like pets I thought it was a stupid idea. What's the point of trying to raise a creature that only exists on a tiny LCD screen? I remember thinking that a technological pet would be cool if it was a robot you could interact with and pet but Tamagotchi and Giga Pets were just dumb.

Then they actually did come out with a robot pet. Furby. I loved Furby. It was exactly what I thought Tamagotchi should have been. I started doing research on Furby online and a lot of articles and websites on Furby mentioned Tamagotchi. The more I read about Tamas the more I became intrigued with them. Finally I went to Kay Bee Toys and bought some Tamas on clearance. I was surprised how much I liked them. They were fun and I found myself getting attached to them like real pets, something I had previously thought I could never do. That's basically how I got started.

I was visiting relatives in Japan, my elder cousin had just got one a V3-v4(all I can remeber is thinking "oh my god! it has an antenna!..."), I was in... third grade?

when my cousin let me take a look I was totally amazed. every time we saw one in a store I would make this-> ;n; face at my mom. XD when my mom said we should get one in america so I could actually READ the text I agreed. she had no idea that at that time the V2 was being introduced to toysRuses everywhere. so when we found one at the nearest toysRus my mom was a bit shocked. both that I could remeber and that the U.S. stores were acutally selling these little dinky things. so after complaining it didn't have an antenna and taking a long time to choose between the clear purple one or the blue one with flowers I decided on the purple one, I hate the color purple but, hey, it was clear you just can't resist that. so I went home and showed it off to my younger brother and played with it for hours straight until dinner, just marveling at the little animations, screaming with joy when it evolved into a toddler... I got a really bad stomach flu soon afteward so I was stuck in bed for a week. my only constant companion was my v2. what a joy it was to have that little egg waiting for me to talk to it, or feed it, or maybe play a few games. buying toys with all our cash only to wish we hadn't spent it a few minutes later when a new, cooler toy popped up in the store.

oops, wallowing in nostalgia, lol, I've got a fuzzy good feeling in my stomache now. you may now say: corny much?

I was in third grade, and I saw the dolls and Tamagotchi at Target. I was literally saying: "Mom! They're so cute! Can I get one?", and she bought one for me.

So...yeah. It's not that special of a story, but I'll always remember my first Tama: Mimi, the Kurokotchi.

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