How do i get a mametchi on a tamagotch ms


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Okay there's still time. Take perfect care of it. And when I say perfect I MEAN PERFECT. Like don't even let it drop one heart. and you still might get him. Hintamatchi isn't that bad. It's the neutral charecter.
But....... i have been taking perfect care of him but i will try he is asleep right now what is more perfect care tips please help someone!!!! :eek: :p :(

i also read an article about hinotamachi or whatever can evolve into an kuromametchi but i whant a mametchi i am so hopeless i will never get a mametchi i dont know what happened i have 999 on everything and he never dropped 1 heart well once but.... and i kept his stress at zero what the mess happened i dont get it please help!!!!

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Actually if you take extreamly good care of him right now he still will turn into Mametchi.

I got a Nonopotchi once(The wost teenager) and i took really good care of him and he turned into a Mametchi.

Actually if you take extreamly good care of him right now he still will turn into Mametchi.
I got a Nonopotchi once(The wost teenager) and i took really good care of him and he turned into a Mametchi.
any tips on that?

Take perfect care of your boy on an odd generation.Here are some tips for treating perfect care:

-Have high skill points such as /500/480/500

-Don't let the hunger or happy hearts drop below one

-Try to keep stress at 0,it realy isen't that hard.

i got mametchi on my first generation (must be an odd generation, even generation gives you kuromametchi) and i didn't do anything drastic. the stress went in the teens and twenties a few times, more than one heart dropped at a time occasionally, and my skill points didn't reach the 900s until after he became an adult. maybe try taking less than perfect care of him next time. :wacko:

Thanks everyone that helped so much i cant thank you enough :) i did not get a mametchi but i got something else i got a kuchipatchi he is awesome i am about to log onto music city with him soon lok for cj1158 i will either have a kuchipatchi or a kuromametchi i have him on my purple flame tamagotchi! and on my black one with the headphones i have a kuchipatchi!!!!!!! OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO ELPED!!!!! I LOVE KUCHIPATCHI AND I HAVE BEEN WONDERING HW TO GET ONE AND NOW I KNOW THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ;) :D :eek: :p B) :D :blink: :blink: :blink: thank you!!!!!

Do you HAVE to have full Rythem Tone and Originall cuz that would be almost impossible for a person like me :furawatchi:


Nah not full, just somewhere above the halfway mark, in the 600s would be good, playing their instruments give points if I recall correctly.

oo,must odd generation...=1,3,5,7,9,11.......and if you want kuromametchi..must even generation...=2,4,6,8,10, this..

Hoped i help! :blink:

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