How do i get a Mimitchi??.............ASAP!!!!!!!


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..::mimitchi lover::..

Active member
Jan 5, 2005
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Western Australia

How do i get a Mimitchi??

these are my tama's


tama Breed:Ichigotchi


weight:35 yes,im going to get it to loose some waight


Training:2 out of 9 (getting there)



Tama breed:Marutchi




Training:2 out of 9 (getting there)

age:1 year


Tama breed:Marutchi



Training:1 out of 9 (im still learning to discipline)


Age:1 year


hope i can get one! :)

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i think u need to have a oniontchi or a young mimitchi in the teens... but its still not guarunteed that u will get a mimitchi... u have to take really good care of ur tamagotchis i think


hope that helps! :D

first you have to get a kinakomochi, then you have to wait until it turns into a tenn(young mimitchi or onionchi) then you have to never let any more hearts than one empty! ^^ then when it changes itl be a mimitchi! ^^

I need help with the names of all the characters. My 7 year old daughter has 3 Tamagotchi Connections and we are doing pretty good at taking care of them I think, but I when you refer to the different characters by name, I don't know which one is which. One of hers is a 1st generation and the other two are on the 2nd generation. They are all teenagers right now. One looks like a strawberry and the other two look like little rabbits (with the dark ears). They looked sort of like a piece of bread when they were kids yesterday. We have also had one in the past that looked like an onion. All three of our 1st generations sort of looked like ducks as adults. Does anyone know what I am talking about and can you help us? Thanks!

Im sorry,i can't help,im justy learning my self!..hang can give me your e-mail address and i'll e-mail you a chart of all of the deffrent breeds of tamagotchi's!

this refers to lulutchi... if you want to know the names of some characters please visit this website...

it helps you a lot..^^

your daughter is so lucky to have a mum that plays tama with her...i wish my mum would

OHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! i only have Marutchi's....what do i get from them?
marutchi can evolve into onionotchi. when it evolves just don't let ANY hearts be down!

your daughter is so lucky to have a mum that plays tama with her...i wish my mum would

It is really good to see your post!

Everyone thinks I'm either weird or sad when they see me taking care of tamagotchis - with and without my 2 x daughters' help....even my daughters friends think it's funny...(...wait...maybe they think something else about me is funny - not the Tamagotchi thing....oh no!)

BTW I agree with your site recommendation - Tama Square has some of the most useful info I have found so far.

Best, etc

i dont mean to make a repeat post (since i'm sure many people have aske this before) but i wanted to know the names of the Characters you can get. Only because i am having a hard time visualizing just what peoples tamagotchis look like what they say "Mine's a Marutchi" ect.... also, because i cant even tell people what type i have without having to explain that mine "looks like a teddy bear with black ears"....

So please, if you have the time, or a site recommendation, post it :D

P.S. the only one i know is Ichigotchi, because THAT character i always get :(

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