How do I get certain characters


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Lollipop Lover

Well-known member
Jan 11, 2009
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I am a bit confused, can someone please tell me how to get the following characters?

1. Maidtchi

2. Makkiko

3. Mametchi <_<

4. Violetchi :furawatchi:

5. Kuromametchi

6. Chamametchi

7. Memetchi :wacko:

8. Androtchi :unsure:


I get really bad characters all the time and I just want some good ones. Please help! :mellow:

No one's 101% sure how to get certain characters for the v6. But I got Mametchi by Barely feeding my boy tama snacks. And Memetchi by feeding my girl tama snacks but maintaining (what I thought was) a good weight.

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I've seen skill points determining character on mine a little.

to get memetchi and Kuromametchi u must teach it mainly origial (<---sp) by playing the music block game whenever it's not happy. As in it doesn't have all happy hearts filled in. That's how i got a memetchi and kuromametchi. Hope this helps! :eek: :eek: :D

I got kuromametchi twice by getting mostly rhythm points.

You get mametchi by taking perfect care of it. Keepig the stress at 0 and hunger as happy hearts full.

You get mametchi by taking perfect care of it. Keepig the stress at 0 and hunger as happy hearts full.
i think at this time we are talking about kuro-mametichi (mametichi's cousion,twin,brother,rival,feind,origin)

I got kuchpatchi by: playing jump the rope alot and by getting always all his hearts and I olso got the ninja tamagotchi because I just feed him lolypop

i think at this time we are talking about kuro-mametichi (mametichi's cousion,twin,brother,rival,feind,origin)
You think that because you haven't read the first post, Mametchi is one of the characters that the author is looking for, as well s KuroMametchi, look up at the top post and you'll see the entire list.

NOW! As for Kutchipatchi, I got him when I only let his hearts go to zero once, and I didn't feed him a lot of sweets... oddly enough I fed mine mostly fries because they were the toddler and teens favorite food, but either way, this character is gotten thorough quite good care. I would try not to feed them many snacks, mostly, and not to miss so many calls... as I frequently do :) ;

i think at this time we are talking about kuro-mametichi (mametichi's cousion,twin,brother,rival,feind,origin)
In the beginning he listed a list of tamagotchi's that we would like to know how to get. Mametchi was there.To get a violetchi do the same thing you would do for a Makiko but make have a lot less skill points.

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